
Yuji Nishida in match Japan - Egypt

Sho 2020-02-13 • 12810 Aufrufe
The young talent from Japan scored 23 points in total versus Egypt and proofed that he definitely is a game-changer! Nishida's 西田 有志 skills and jump height make him one of the most effective volleyball players of the Japanese team. Enjoy watching his highlights of the match. from the Men's Volleyball World Cup 2019!

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Yuji Nishida

Yuji Nishida (西田有志) Japan

Geburtsdatum: 2000-01-30
Position: Diagonalangriff
Größe: 186cm
Gewicht: 87kg
Angriff: 346cm
Block: 330cm
Derzeitiger Verein: Panasonic Panthers (Japan)

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