I red interview with Rodrigo Quiroga, and he says that old rules (25 points), better than new system. what do you think? I agree with him.
#volleyballrules #RodrigoQuiroga
I red interview with Rodrigo Quiroga, and he says that old rules (25 points), better than new system. what do you think? I agree with him.
#volleyballrules #RodrigoQuiroga
some years ago I thought: there's no difference to win always 3-0 or 3-1, so why should be a difference between 3-1 and 3-2? to be honest the better classification is the set average; and once again I thought the old v-b when a team scored point only with the break.point was better.... but now i watched some old match and i saw too much mistake so i stopped and asked myslef "why?"
imho the rally point system is better then the older because in the old system every player were encouraged to take risk to make a break and if they made a mistake... well, nothing happened.
In the rally point system the v-b is better because a team will pay a mistake.
now a lot of team lack of attention during the first points because there's enought time to clean the gap so the new rules will try to make pay that lack. I'm not sure if it's the better way, but' i'm sure it can be a way and i'm always open to a try
@jacksoooonn e che ca**0 c'entra?