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Trentino Volley - Dynamo Moscow (Highlights)

saku 2010-05-08 • 4865 vues • 19
Titre de la chanson: Moby - Flower
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19 commentaires

Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
il y a 12 ans
trentino wins like always! :)
Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
il y a 12 ans
Trentino is the best
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
il y a 14 ans
Trento hadn't a weak day... They won smoothly with Dynamo because the Russians were bad prepared for this tournament, and before F4 had three defeats with Zenit (each game 0:3)... they won with Skra cause polishes was bad prepared ( You can say that in general was not prepared) ... Cuneo won because they have good squad, were well prepared and knew what they play ...
InivaridUPL 504 6
il y a 14 ans
Yeah I totally agree with all of you. It looks very bad for Trentino, because they don't play what they can play... But congratulations for Cuneo, they deserv for win. :)
kolesPL 242 4
il y a 14 ans
This was really a bad idea altough I cheered for Cuneo they should play to at least two wins. That would be more fair. Trentino made many mistakes which haven't happened in past matches. I think they were too tired of season.
RachelBR 532 7
il y a 14 ans
Qsek, maybe Trentino was in a bad day , that happens when you decide an entire season in on day... I think is more faire to decide in three or five matches, you see, here in Brazil we have just one match too since last season and that caused big discussions...Although I think Brazilian League is strong, I don´t agree with that...
qsekPL 831 10
il y a 14 ans
Cuneo got scudetto.
what do you think about that?
in my opinion only one match, wchich must decide, who win all league is bad think.
i hope, that somebody will do looong short-cut or highlights, something like this: don't you think, that is strange, that Trentino second time in row is european chamipon, but not Italian champion?
RachelBR 532 7
il y a 14 ans
Saku, I believe you, although I don´t think it will be that easy for Brazil to beat them. Trentino, in my opinion is more than a club, is a national team, but the sad thing is that we don´t see any young italian player in the court, I mean there is no space for them, and this fact has big consequences in the Italian national team. Brazil and Poland do different, we give space to young players in our Leagues, so our national teams won´t have problems when we have to substitute our players
qsekPL 831 10
il y a 14 ans
zna ktoś sposób na obejrzenie dzisiejszego finału, ale nie na Rai Sport (nie mam)?
InivaridUPL 504 6
il y a 14 ans
Great movie. But poor, that only one side match... Trentino wins deservedly, and only they should win Champions League. And I think in that time NOONE can beat Trentino. Watch today Italian Serie A final match at 18 Polish time. Regards ;]
sakuPLAuthor 1032 9
il y a 14 ans
Nagor, z chęcia bym to dodał ale niestety nie było powtórek tych akcji, z resztą nie było powtórek z wielu akcji, z tym własnie Dantego, RenanZ, in whole world there is no team who can beat Trentino, only national brazilan team can easy beat Trntino in ma opinion
RenanZBR 1538 15
il y a 14 ans
Nice compillation... Nowadays, I believe that Trentino is (to avoid any discussions) "ONE of the top" team in Europe
eRKaPL 861 11
il y a 14 ans
to jaką wolę walki i chęci do gry ma Salparov najlepiej widać 2:24 min. ;) nie wiem co robili inni zawodnicy, ale jego reakcja niesamowita.
Mateusz2008PL 163 5
il y a 14 ans
Trentino poza zasięgiem Rosjan. Ja liczyłem na zacięty finał, taki niestety nie był. Highlights z tego meczu bardzo dobry.
norbertz90PL 19 3
il y a 14 ans
Wg mnie Salparov powinien zostać wybrany najlepszym libero 4 four. Salparov a Gacek to przepaść. In my opinion Salparov should be the best libero in Finaul 4 but award goes to Bari. From my piont of viev Salparov is one of the best liberos in the world (in Top 5). We can't compare Salparov e.g. Gacek (no comment)
camnowPL 380 4
il y a 14 ans
Big disappointed ;/
wawrys93PL 14 1
il y a 14 ans
Dynamo siadło przede wszystkim psychicznie, główna przyczyna porażki, wysokiej porażki, myśle że by nie dali rady trentino i tak i tak, ale mogli by powalczyć ;], semen sobie nie poatakował w tym meczu ;], dobra gra taktyczna przeciwnika uniemożliwiła mu atak ;]- skuteczny ;] żygadło też sie nie popisał, szczególnie w końcówce ;], pozatym atakujący trentino nie potrzebowali dobrych piłek ;P
NagorPL 1445 14
il y a 14 ans
Bardzo dobre wykonanie, ale znów brakuje kilku ataków Dantego, i najlepszego gwoździa w turnieju - Połtawski po skosie w pierwszym secie.
KyouPL 63 2
il y a 14 ans
Filmik dobry, ale patrząc tak ogólnie na grę, najlepszy zawodnik to Salparov, walczył bronił, reszta spała, żal mi go bo naprawdę dobry libero który dobrze broni i ma wolę walki, ale nie w zespołu rosyjskiego, gdzie obrona to ostatnia rzec o jakiej myślą, albo w ogóle jej nie ma. Good movie. The best player from Dynamo was Salparov. He fought and digger others players slept. He's good libero who defense and has got fightwill but no in russian team, where defense is last thing or is nothing.

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