
Dmitriy Muserskiy

rafaello94 2010-07-24 • 40193 megtekintés • 114
A dal címe: The White Stripes - Blue Orchid
Dmitriy Muserskiy

Dmitriy Muserskiy Oroszország

Születési dátum: 1988-10-29
Poszt: Feladó átló
Magasság: 218cm
Testsúly: 104kg
Ütés magasság: 375cm
Blokk magasság: 347cm
Aktuális klub: Suntory Sunbirds (Japan)

114 hozzászólásai

Angelos AléxiouCY 38 2
12 évvel ezelőtt
great player, he is doing everything, serving, attacking, blocking!!
JRiosCL 201 6
13 évvel ezelőtt
RevanExtasisPT 746 11
13 évvel ezelőtt
why simon is there ?? simpl because is the best and the people dont want heard it XD
Joel2718CA 426 7
13 évvel ezelőtt
haha, i'm sure this has already been mentioned, but why is Simon is there ?
JRiosCL 201 6
13 évvel ezelőtt
Thanks Zyta, you're a polite girl and I'm a funny guy!
sakuPL 1032 9
13 évvel ezelőtt
so Heller was a sub? I watched 2 the most important mtches of Brazil on 2004, finals of WL and Olimpics and Heller played with Gustavo and Rodrigao was a a sub
NightFoxBG 1457 14
13 évvel ezelőtt
sub - substitution
sakuPL 1032 9
13 évvel ezelőtt
I dont know what mean 'sub' I cant find it anywhere, Henrique?:) can you tell me?;P btw ,headress of Dima now is so awful, Simon has better :D
raylightBG 3006 15
13 évvel ezelőtt
Everyone wants to put Simon tattoo on his shoulder, but Simon has tattoo of Todorov :D
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 évvel ezelőtt
Guys I love your sense of humor! :D
JRiosCL 201 6
13 évvel ezelőtt
Revan, I love you... nice guy personality!
RevanExtasisPT 746 11
13 évvel ezelőtt
why all hear are so angry whith the true?, I feel that you have a bit of envy, if I did not know the conversations that all of you talk about here , simon is the best , and i will continue said that because the numbers talks for him, and because is true , ignore me is a good solution for all you , but please dont tell me what to do , ok ?? in this year we would see the truth about simon.
JRiosCL 201 6
13 évvel ezelőtt
Originality is a rare commodity nowadays. I'll have to accept that someone else in this world is tattooed with simon symbol. :)
JRiosCL 201 6
13 évvel ezelőtt
C'mon guys, Simon is really the best! I'm thinking tatoo him in my left arm. :)
MichalPL 493 10
13 évvel ezelőtt
"Revan should stop with this Simon obsession, or soon, somewhere else, someone will be discussing who's the best basketball or baseball player and he'll say "Simon"." That's only one of the least painful options. Imagine how embarassing it can be when instead of sarcamental "yes" he'll come out with his magic sentence (not sure if he already hasn't replaced "Amen" with "Simon"). Ever heard of "Snow White" fairy tale? Queen: Mirror, Mirror, Tell me who is the Fairest... Mirror: WTF? What was that question supposed to mean, are you completely nuts? Everybody knows the answer is Simon!
MichalPL 493 10
13 évvel ezelőtt
Nothing new from him. I suppose that first words someone could ever hear from baby Revan wasn't any of his parents funny pronounce or a simple letter syntax but "SIMON IS THE BEST".
NightFoxBG 1457 14
13 évvel ezelőtt
haha true, Zyta, true :D
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 évvel ezelőtt
kate he always must mention simon PS. Revan if you want to see dimitry vs simon, go to the, there is a match from F6 of World LEague 2010 between Russia and Cuba and you can compare your idol with that "just tall" guy.
Oli4BE 685 6
13 évvel ezelőtt
Ooh 218cm? Didn't know that, just read what was up here :)
_k-is-for-kate_RU 404 6
13 évvel ezelőtt
his advantage is not that he is just tall, but that being that tall he is extremely coordinated and can act very good in defence, that's more important)

those are my words and as you see i didn't say that his success is all about his height
but it's a question of uniqueness, if he was ONLY 215, he wouldn't be the tallest volleyball player,would he? that's all.
RevanExtasisPT 746 11
13 évvel ezelőtt
and for some people if the tall of one player says all , the russians allways be the champions, the tall is important , but not the most important, i want to se dimitry vs Simon un the final eight this year.
RevanExtasisPT 746 11
13 évvel ezelőtt
for me the best cuple of center in a nt are 1-Stankovic-Podrascanin 2-Volkov-Musersky 3-Andre Heller - Rodrigao(in 2004)
RenanZBR 1538 15
13 évvel ezelőtt
215 only?? oohh no, too short........ kkkkkkkkkkk
_k-is-for-kate_RU 404 6
13 évvel ezelőtt
again..he is 218 cm actually, why do you think that he's 215?? of course me personally didn't measure him with a rule but he says it so himself, don't you believe him? :)
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 évvel ezelőtt
Oli4 He is 218cm, details on FIVB are old.
Oli4BE 685 6
13 évvel ezelőtt
He is 215cm, but even for that height he's very dynamic and moveable, he's not like, most of the really tall guys,' a surfing board' :) And good music! :d Did not see the other reactions, just saw the height on this profile :)
NightFoxBG 1457 14
13 évvel ezelőtt
I'm agree with u about the russian block and I think that if the russians had better wing-spikers they would be the best in the world.
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 évvel ezelőtt
Definitely the best block, there's no doubt. That's why I'm so satisfied Volkov is in Cuneo now, together with Mastrangelo for me the best couple of middles in Serie A this season.
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 évvel ezelőtt
Volkov 210cm, Musersky 218cm - the tallest couple of middle blockers from all NT and both, especially Musersky with his height has great coordination!
sakuPL 1032 9
13 évvel ezelőtt
that's true even with that high he is very dynamic
_k-is-for-kate_RU 404 6
13 évvel ezelőtt
his advantage is not that he is just tall, but that being that tall he is extremely coordinated and can act very good in defence, that's more important)
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 évvel ezelőtt
It gives good effect during group round, but that tactic wasn't a problem for Cuneo, Musersky had 45% efficiency in attack in this match.
sakuPL 1032 9
13 évvel ezelőtt
this is tactic of Lokomotiv, when Dima goes to serv normally libero changes with second middle but when Dima stopping serving he is staying on peach and libero is changing with opposite
RevanExtasisPT 746 11
13 évvel ezelőtt
vollemasters this is nothing new , dimitry sometimes , change position with dyneikin but he i think is effective more as a midle blocker.
volleymasterBE 263 7
13 évvel ezelőtt
Muserskiy @ opposite!

first points, he played at the opposite and he scored a point.
the rest of the match he played as middle blocker.
jacek_torresPL 227 7
13 évvel ezelőtt
W drużynie gospodarzy najlepiej punktowali Muserski (32) i Chtiej (19). U gości najwięcej punktów zdobyli Ngapeth (20) i Konecny (22). Rosjanie dominowali w bloku (19-5). Jako ciekawostkę można dodać, że Muserski zagrał na nietypowej dla siebie pozycji atakującego i spisał się bardzo dobrze.
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
13 évvel ezelőtt
No niestety tak?...sprawdziłem specjalnie statystyki. porównałem ustawienie z Sintinim...zaczynali po przekątnej. vtnklmdc popsułeś całą frajdę?
vtnklmdcPL 686 14
13 évvel ezelőtt
mi się wydaje że grał na pozycji atakującego bo środkowemu rzadko zdarza się wykonać 52 ataki w ciągu całego meczu
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
13 évvel ezelőtt
SomeonePL 875 10
13 évvel ezelőtt
W pierwszym meczu 32pkt?! Środkowy?! "Eto maszina" :P
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
13 évvel ezelőtt
pierwsza kolejka ligi mistrzów - Muserskiy..........32pkt:P
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
13 évvel ezelőtt
Wyższy był tylko George Muresan;), ale może DM będzie dalej rosnąć jak na rosyjskich drożdżach to zobaczymy:P
_k-is-for-kate_RU 404 6
13 évvel ezelőtt
"1:44 wow he blocked simon )" hell yeah xD
emindRU 18 3
13 évvel ezelőtt
1:44 wow he blocked simon :))
apvencorePL 61 2
13 évvel ezelőtt
Co do ulubionych filmików to u mnie zdecydowanie na pierwszym miejscu filmiki Roninha ;D Szczególnie te o Krzysku Ignaczaku i Bartku ;D Prawdziwy majstersztyk.
ilinykhRU 18 4
13 évvel ezelőtt
jernej94, yeah, Kavakov is 217, but Musersky is 218!
_k-is-for-kate_RU 404 6
13 évvel ezelőtt
I'm not sure, but he told that in his interview this summer :)
jernej94SI 102 12
13 évvel ezelőtt
I don't he is 218cm tall, Kazakov is 217, and Muserskiy looks a bit smaller :)
_k-is-for-kate_RU 404 6
13 évvel ezelőtt
his height is actually 218 cm and he's still growing..) there's a mistake on the FIVB site...

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