Italian squad for WL 2013

vatreni 2013-04-29 • 2518 visualizzazioni • 13
Setters: Dragan Travica (1986. Lube Banca Marche Macerata), Michele Baranowicz (1989. Casa Modena), Marco Falaschi (1987. Bcc-Nep Castellana Grotte), Davide Saitta (1987. Exprivia Molfetta)

MB: Emanuele Birarelli (1981. Vice captain. Itas Diatec Trentino), Enrico Cester (1988. Bcc-Nep Castellana Grotte), Giorgio De Togni (1985. Altotevere San Giustino), Thomas Beretta (1990. Vero Volley Monza), Matteo Piano (1990. Gherardi SVI Città di Castello), Daniele Mazzone (1992. Globo Banca Popolare Del Frusinate Sora)

wing- spikers: Cristian Savani (1982. Captain. Lube Banca Marche Macerata), Ivan Zaytsev (1988. Lube Banca Marche Macerata), Simone Parodi (1986. Lube Banca Marche Macerata), Jiri Kovar (1989. Lube Banca Marche Macerata), Gabriele Maruotti (1988. Copra Elior Piacenza), Filippo Lanza (1991. Itas Diatec Trentino), Michele Fedrizzi (1991. Marmi Lanza Verona), Ludovico Dolfo (1989. Bcc-Nep Castellana Grotte),

Opposites: Luca Vettori (1991. Copra Elior Piacenza), Giulio Sabbi (1989. Bcc-Nep Castellana Grotte).

Liberos: Andrea Giovi (1983. Sir Safety Perugia), Salvatore Rossini (1986. Andreoli Latina).

#Italy #WorldLeague2013

13 commenti

pearlIT 1003 11
11 anni fa
@hanes - today I've read an official release from Buti: he said it was him who refused Berruto's call due to personal reasons.
pearlIT 1003 11
11 anni fa
@Joachim: as a matter of fact I also thought that De Pandis might be on Berruto's list. Have no idea why he is out (also Marra - Piacenza's libero - deserves a calling imo).

@Vatreni: Sabbi had a great season, that's true, but I agree with Daniele: Vettori seems to be more reliable at the moment. He doesn't choke when he makes a mistake and he's Always in control, a quality missing to Sabbi sometimes.

@dude: yeah, I knew about this interview; more or less, it's what I wrote in my previous post.
dudePL 46 3
11 anni fa
Łasko in interview for Strefa Siatkówki said that he resign from NT in this season
Daniel_e92IT 51 3
11 anni fa
Pearl of course I agree on Mastrangelo, I can get that choice. But on the other hand, I think that one or two experienced players who stay on the bench and are called in only during difficult moments, won't ruin the project. I'm just a little bit surprised/disappointed for some choices, but in the end I should have expected them.
Anyway about the liberos: I'm extremely happy that Berruto didn't call Bari in NT. I have never got why Bari played as first libero both in the National Team and in Trento, I sadly can't see anywhere his skills. And if you asked me to point a weak spot of the NT in the last OG, I would undoubtly point all my ten fingers to Bari ?
About the starting six, I totally agree with you, Pearl: I would really like to see Vettori in the starting six. I think he can give a lot to our NT. : )

Vatreni I guess it would be a little bit difficult to see them together : ) But if you asked me to choose between those two, I would pick Vettori out , despire Sabbi's stunning season!
vatreniMEAuthor 275 12
11 anni fa
probably Lasko will play at ECH, which is more important, than playing in WL. Pearl, I also would likw to see Vettori and Sabbi together. Sabbi has great season, and he is very talented opposite.
Joachim7BE 321 4
11 anni fa
I completely agree with my friend pearl =)
I was surprised by the absence of De Pandis though...Any ideas why he isn't in the team?
pearlIT 1003 11
11 anni fa
I agree with Vatreni: It's time to change. Berruto's choices are interesting and in accordance with his project for Rio. He needs to test new players, and the best occasion for him to do so is the WL. Daniele you have to take into account that there are 4 important events for our NTs this season: WL, Mediterranean Games, European Championship and World Championship U23. I'm sure Berruto will set his sights on ECH and WCH U23, so imo he'll use WL and Mediterranean Games to test and try new players and new solutions. As for Mastro: how can you call a player who hasn't played for half of the season?? I was surprised instead that he didn't call Buti, who was the 5th best MB in Serie A after Simon, Holt, Bira and Potke; but maybe his absence is just temporary and he'll be called next; Lasko, as far as I know, asked Berruto for a break. Fei has said many times that he's not interested in playing the WL.
Anyway, I'm curious to see what solution Berruto will adopt: three spikers (Zizzo, Sava, Parodi/Kovar) or two wing spikers and a young opposite (Sabbi or Vettori); I personally prefer the second option and, in such case, I would really like to see Vettori in the starting 6 'cause this guy is our future.
vatreniMEAuthor 275 12
11 anni fa
Daniel, for Lasko you are right. but for Mastrangelo I think you are not. the new Olympic cycle is start, and there is no place for Mastro, who is fantastic MB one of the best in vball history, but to old for Rio 2016. Fei to. he is in NT over decade, and now it is moment for new younger players, and this is real time for changing, one year after OG.
Daniel_e92IT 51 3
11 anni fa
Mmm Vatreni, you know, I think that experience can save you in difficult games. Sometimes young people can't stand pressure, and maybe an experienced substitute would give the team the mental strenght that they need. Also, apart from Mastrangelo who didn't play in Cuneo due to problems with the coach, Fei could have been that kind of player. I don't know if Buti has some kind of problems, but I'm surprised, in case he doesn't, that he is not there.
Oh, another detail: Lasko not called after a more than decent season in JW...
vatreniMEAuthor 275 12
11 anni fa
Pearl, thanx I did not see, my mistake. now I fix it. I hope that Vettori will get a chance. no more Fei which is good move in my opinion. Kovar, Savani, Zaytsev, Parodi... very strong wing- spikers. I am glad also for Enrico Cester. he deserve to be invite in NT. All in all very strong team, and of course one of the favorites in WL, and especially at ECH?.
Daniel_e92IT 51 3
11 anni fa
I'm very disappointed for the choice of the middle blockers. I can't see any benefit for us not calling Mastrangelo nor Fei nor Buti.
RevanExtasisPT 746 11
11 anni fa
nos osmany hhhahaha take that handan
pearlIT 1003 11
11 anni fa
And liberos are: Andrea Giovi (1983. Sir Safety Perugia), Salvatore Rossini (1986. Andreoli Latina).
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