
Trentino Volley - Modena Volley (Highlights, 2nd movie)

ivolley 2015-01-17 • 1551 visualizzazioni
After 17 years Modena Volley won Italian Cup! Earvin N'Gapeth and Nemanja Petrić were the leaders of Modena. What is interesting the Italian federation used “video check” in this match. Angelo Lorenzetti on the press conference said: "We won a very difficult match and the first thing I want to do is to wish a good luck to Kovář, injured during the match, who is a great player. My team has had ups and downs, but they knew that they faced a team of the highest level. Did I dispel the taboo Macerata? Yes, I had, in fact we had lost too many times, it was time to change the course and it has been changed. Trento? Well, another team made up of champions, with great experience, they were favorites, but we wanted to get as high as possible".

#LeoShoesModena #ItasTrentino #ItalianCup201415

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