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World League 2012 Decoration

gienia111 2012-07-09 • 2986 weergaven • 12
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12 reacties

11 jaar geleden
oh MasterOPuppets why don't you shut up? When are Macedonia going to be on semi-final in WL ? When your team gets through a tournament at that class like the World League and 2 of your players get 3 individual awards, THEN you are allowed to speak not only for Aleksiev or Bulgaria like that, but for any team which played at the WL, so for now SHUT UP :)
GingerPL 8 2
11 jaar geleden
hanes233EE 987 5
11 jaar geleden
Wasn't there an English version?
MasterOPuppetsMK 109 6
11 jaar geleden
best receiver and scorer : Todor Aleksiev...Well I guess the world can end now I've seen it all:D
Alberto Varela FrontierCL 502 9
11 jaar geleden
exciting, nothing more to say
Angelos AléxiouCY 38 2
11 jaar geleden
More or less i agree with the awardings( i know they coming out throw statistics most of them) but i think was gone be more fair if Lukasz Zygadlo and Piotr Nowakowski were included! They had an amazing World League tournament! Congrats to the winners!!!
zoeyCH 9 2
11 jaar geleden
Yeah Revan, this is true and sad :(
RenanZBR 1538 15
11 jaar geleden
RevanExtasisPT 746 11
11 jaar geleden
damn my players kiss his trophy like that was a real cup, and when they receive the money were so happy, fuck FIdel, fredoom for all them, they deserve, even when dont play at the olympics they give his hearth this year at the world league
GingerPL 8 2
11 jaar geleden
It's great to see them so happy. I think that Zibi nearly cry when he step for best spiker prize. Igła with usual- this episode of "Igłą szyte" surely will be awsome. :)
dolussPL 60 3
11 jaar geleden
beautiful moments !!! :)
SllaveqBG 790 10
11 jaar geleden
Bravo Toshe! :D I want to explain if somebody don't know the booing when giving awards was for Lubo Ganev and Kiosev - the two that ruined our team and tried to smash Rado and Matey... Bravo and to Joro, he is playing in NT for first time and this should be really big award for him! Bravo Polska, USA and Cuba.. ^^

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