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Best actions: Poland - Argentina (World League 2013)

rafaello94 2013-07-04 • 4000 wyświetleń • 18
The best actions from the two matches between Poland and Argentina during the World League 2013. You could see efficiency of Kurek in attack (look how important balls he ended), fight between libero: González and Ignaczak. Look at Marcin Możdżonek (211cm) funny point in the second match on 5:08 ;-) The defending champion beat Argentina in two matches and got closer to Bulgaria, Brazil, USA, and France in the ranking. Group A is decisively the most interesting of all in this year's edition. As many as five teams still retains a chance to advance to the Final Six.

#Argentina #Poland #WorldLeague2013 #bestactions

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18 komentarzy

bartmannnnPL 30 2
10 lat temu
1:00 :)
MihauPL 39 3
10 lat temu
4:00 :D
hanusAU 155 6
10 lat temu
Loved this video. Had great rallies, showed points won from both side and especially liked how there was music in addition to the commentary (which I don't understand haha).
hanes233EE 987 5
10 lat temu
Kurek is not reliable in important moments usually* Of coure he has exeptions, like that one you brought out where he was great :)
zverPL 995 13
10 lat temu
"kurek is not reliable in important moments" watch Bartosz kurek vs brazil, or final eight matches from 2011 for example ;-)
hanes233EE 987 5
10 lat temu
Show me stats so I will beleive :D
zverPL 995 13
10 lat temu
Mate, he makes many errors, but also many points.. When he is in good shape ( like now), he is the Best polish Server ( based on His whole career)
hanes233EE 987 5
10 lat temu
zver, just few matches dosn't count, watch the whole season and all competitions where he plays or watch stats, that will bring out the truth, he makes way too many errors.(my opinion is based on last 4 years)
zverPL 995 13
10 lat temu
Kurek is definitely the best Server in our team, just watch last matches with argentina
dyingflutsmanNL 160 4
10 lat temu
Dude! This vid is SICK! (L)
hanes233EE 987 5
10 lat temu
zver, than who is? Kubiak is mabie better, but Kurek has a great serve, but he has way too many errors compared to the aces he makes,, Kurek is also not reliable in important moments usually.
audreyPL 6 1
10 lat temu
I can't stop watching this.
pearlIT 1003 11
10 lat temu
Quote (hanes233)
I need to mention that Jarosz is a very underrated player, he is very stable, his attack is impressive, he is the best server in the team in my opinion, you can rely on him he has a cool mind.

I agree with you. Kuba is usually underrated; too much underrated. I wouldn’t say he’s particularly stable or has a cool mind ‘cause I’ve seen him chocking often in crucial matches or moments, when things didn’t go in the right way and, trust me, I’ve seen this guy many times in the last 2 years both in Poland NT and mainly in Latina. Anyway at the end of the day you’re right: in his good days, his attack and service are impressive and if he gets the right game rhythm he’s very reliable. I think Latina will miss him a lot.
zverPL 995 13
10 lat temu
Jarosz the best Server in the team:D?
hanes233EE 987 5
10 lat temu
Wow, you didn't create a movie you created art :D Great movie, I like that you left the commentators in too, sometimes it makes the movie better. I need to mention that Jarosz is a very underrated player, he is very stable, his attack is impressive, he is the best server in the team in my opinion, you can rely on him he has a cool mind. I really like Bartman's attitude and willpower too, he can turn a match upside down, but he isn't reliable, he is like Ngapet, he has the skill, but sometimes he is just invisible. Also Jakub is just a better opposite, his level is higher (atleast in my opinion) . Poland should not say that they don't have a top opposite, you have Jarosz, he isn't as good as Mikhaylov, Wallace or Sokolov but he is damn good.
eRKaPL 861 11
10 lat temu
sooo awesome compilation. you have amazing patents with all these effects. KEEP GOING!
SomeonePL 875 10
10 lat temu
I would use different music, but montage is great. Very impressive!
zverPL 995 13
10 lat temu
Fantastic video! Możdżonek was the best :D

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