
Bartosz Kwolek and Tomasz Fornal huge block on Wlazły

GavottoVisotto 2016-02-09 • 5749 visualizações • 3
Huge blocks on Mariusz Wlazły! In this match there was a lot of great action like this. Check out how fast that ball was stuffed to the floor. Skra won that game in three sets. Mariusz Wlazły scored 11 points. The 21-year-old Tomasz Fornal was the best scorer in Spała with 12 points.

#BartoszKwolek #TomaszFornal #PolishCup201516 #block #hugeblock

3 comentários

pseudoznawcaPL 9 1
8 anos atrás
His name is Tomasz Fornal and he is 18 like Kwolek. Jan Fornal is his older brother. Spała lost 0:3 to 20, 22, 16. Spała's players are 18 and 17 years old.
Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
8 anos atrás
Kwolek MVP of Euro and Worlds Youth Championship!
KevinpsbPL 184 10
8 anos atrás
Te wszystkie filmy od statystyków powinny być wyrzucone! Przecież tu gówno widać... Tomasz Fornal... Jak wrzucasz film to powinieneś wiedzieć kto jest jego głównym bohaterem.

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