
Volleyball mistakes (2nd movie)

raylight 2011-12-08 • 6349 visualizações • 34
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34 comentários

raylightBGAuthor 3006 15
12 anos atrás
Thank you, Asia6 :)
Asia6PL 290 6
12 anos atrás
0:00 I love this action. :) Great video ;)
raylightBGAuthor 3006 15
12 anos atrás
I respect your opinion, fabi3 :)
fabi3AT 124 3
12 anos atrás
first one is much better :/
Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
12 anos atrás
Thanks for the video masterly raylight Thank you very much Five-star certainly
HCLTBR 331 6
12 anos atrás
Champion, maybe in the proper topic. :-)
raylightBGAuthor 3006 15
12 anos atrás
Another fan of Todor Aleksiev :D
HCLTBR 331 6
12 anos atrás
1:34. I just love it. Hahahaha...
JassasfaSA 116 3
12 anos atrás
Maybe they didn’t sleep will last night?!! ^_^
miroslavflainBG 99 3
12 anos atrás
1:33 ARHHHHHH :@
KjeldhorIT 1059 17
12 anos atrás
huge power sometimes mean huge errors :D
dyingflutsmanNL 160 4
12 anos atrás
Great movie, I miss the action of the guy who came for a backrow hit but endid up playing the ball in the air With his foot! (during CEV) :)
raylightBGAuthor 3006 15
12 anos atrás
Song is Trouble - Evlis Presley, 1958
camnowPL 380 4
12 anos atrás
Even the best players in the world could do that :)
raylightBGAuthor 3006 15
12 anos atrás
Thank you, people, glad you like the show, yes, thank you :))
MilkaPL 116 3
12 anos atrás
hahaha I just love it :D
bitkaPL 673 10
12 anos atrás
now it's funny (especially with that music!) but during match i'm so frustrated and nervous! :D
SllaveqBG 790 10
12 anos atrás
Haha, Mikhailov is in the air ai air... (music)
hanes233EE 987 5
12 anos atrás
Nice one raylight :D
samuelekeBE 393 8
12 anos atrás
You see, the best players make mistakes... ;)
Joel2718CA 426 7
12 anos atrás
the quality of volleyball in this movie is so bad that I will have to give it a 1 :)
raylightBGAuthor 3006 15
12 anos atrás
Aleksiev is Revan's favorite player :D
RenanZBR 1538 15
12 anos atrás
shit happens
pearlIT 1003 11
12 anos atrás
The meaning of this video: Okay, nobody's perfect :D
BernySK 606 6
12 anos atrás
And Big Mikhaylov at the end too :D perfect video thanks a lot man :)
proudBG 722 9
12 anos atrás
"1:34 i will remember this time of my entire life XD" @Revan,really?I completely forgot about it right after it happened :D #LaughThroughTheTears
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 anos atrás
Revan please don't remind me that ;D
NagorPL 1445 14
12 anos atrás
Haha great, but some mistakes are normal volleyball mistakes, like antena, attack into net from 6 meter etc ;)
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 anos atrás
I'm glad that my idea is growing ;]
HewwingCA 37 2
12 anos atrás
Title: "Volleyball hitting errors". I found both lucas and murilo's hits very funny.
raylightBGAuthor 3006 15
12 anos atrás
I called it Bad spikes, because it has only that kind of mistakes. I will make video for communication troubles when I have time and material
RevanExtasisPT 746 11
12 anos atrás
best part ever of this video( almost all of error only a few action are considered "mistakes") 1:34 i will remember this time of my entire life XD
vosalitoCZ 5 1
12 anos atrás
so what shit happens ;)

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