Kacper 17
2017-08-20 • 2628 просмотров

Belgians have long been a very uncomfortable opponent for favorites. They have many good volleyball players in their team, and in addition, the current brown medalist of the Vital Neynen World Championships is also training. They set a quarter-final goal. Will they succeed? 


Setter: Matthias Valkiers, Stijin D'Hulst

Spiker: Bram Van den Dries, Gert van Walle

Middle Blocker: Arno Van de Velde, Pieter Verhees, Simon Van de Voorde

Receiver: Sam Deroo, Francois Lecat, Kevin Klinkenberg, Ruben van Hirtum, Tomas Rousseaux

Libero: Jelle Ribbens, Lowie Steuer

Coach: Vital Heynen

#SamDeroo #EuropeanChampionships2017 #Belgium #PieterVerhees #SimonVanDeVoorde

Belgium - European Championships 2017 Roster
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