
Special service for Stefan Vujević

Wilfredo_is_Marshall 2013-10-27 • 3976 views
In the beginning of the match between Perugia and Casa Modena (26.10.2013), a special service was given to Stefan Vujević (son of Goran Vujević). Stefan passed away after a long battle with tough illness at the age of five. During game breaks there was playing favorite song of Stefan: Jovanotti - Il Più Grande Spettacolo Dopo Il Big Bang. Two teams who are considered as the dark horses of the Serie A, faced up this evening in Perugia. The hosts won in tie-break. 40 years old Goran Vujevic, captain of Sir Safety Perugia played an entire match even though his 5-year old son just recently passed away. It was heroic act of Perugia’s legend worthy of admiration. He scored 7 points, including 5 spikes and 2 blocks. Italian Volleyball Federation decided that every game in this round will start with minute of silence dedicated to recently deceased Stefan Vujević.

#GoranVujevic #ItalianSerieA1201314 #StefanVujevic

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