RenanZ 1538
2013-02-08 • 3140 defa görüntülendi • 10 replies
I heard from here that POL x BRA match at the National Stadium is confirmed. Did you heard something about that?
Waski94 4 2
11 yıl önce
The match at the national stadium will be after the opening ceremony of the World championchips 2014. Matches Pol x Bra will be in Warsaw, but unfortunately at Torwar hall and in Lodz in Atlas Arena.
raylight 3006 15
11 yıl önce
I hate this system from subjective point of view. We got 4th on the Olympics and we are at disatvantage with host games in group with class teams /Brazil, Poland, France, again that Argentina/ FIVB is worse than Bulgarian federation which kind of makes me humble before the level of their volleyball bombing
NightFox 1457 14
11 yıl önce
Stupid formula ! Go home FIVB - you're drunk !
artko 32 1
11 yıl önce
Got 4th in the Olympics and you think the world is yours now, or what? And guys just for the record: It's quite annoying to read in almost every post about bulgarian NT. I mean the topic here is, in case if it was too hard for you guys to actually read it, "Match between POLxBRA at the National Stadium in World League 2013". So how the hell did we land here on bulgarian NT/FIVB. I don't know whether you somewhere down there between tzatziki-land, Macedonia, Dark Waters and Dracula's cave are familiar with it, but we here in the cold & icy North say it quite often: "A shut mouth catches no flies" meaning "Speech is silver, silence is golden". Think it through. Oh, one more thing, guess what guys, it is not all about the user's ranking here or how frequent your comments are, it is still about what you have got to say. Consider this worth thinking about.
RenanZAuthor 1538 15
11 yıl önce
Uaehuaehuaehuaehaeu NightFox, that was the best comment!!!
raylight 3006 15
11 yıl önce
I said it was subjective artko. I don't know what do you say so far away from the original Europe - Balkan peninsula, but here we say - read 7 times before you write
artko 32 1
11 yıl önce
Well, I read it 7 times, I mean your first comment here and still I kind of miss the link between the subject and your remark. The question is, did you read the subject seven times as well? No, off course not, you couldn't. You had to keep an eye on your electricity bill, right?
raylight 3006 15
11 yıl önce
Why am I even bothering to answer you?
"I hate this system from subjective point of view"
artko 32 1
11 yıl önce
You, "my friend", have some serious problems with comprehension. I bet 7 times in your case it is still too little. Go on, spare me your answers, before you discredit yourself once again.