
Kamil Semeniuk in ZAKSA Kędzierzyn-Koźle | 2021-2022

top_volleyball 2022-04-13 • 1086 defa görüntülendi

Kamil Semeniuk is playing for Grupa Azoty ZAKSA Kędzierzyn-Koźle in 2021 - 2022 season of Plusliga. During regular season, he scored 368 points, had 38 ace serves and 31 points. He's an amazing player on a high ball and on the serving position, as his team often has long point series during that. ZAKSA is trying to win the league this year, so we will see soon how they did in polish volleyball league playoffs.
#GrupaAzotyZAKSAKędzierzynKoźle #KamilSemeniuk 

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