Matches download or streaming?

Kk15 1301
2011-04-08 • 7687 vues • 4 replies

Do you know if exists a website where is possible to find the matches of the Italian Serie A? I'm thinking to something like for the CL...

RaiSport gives only the possibility to see the match in live streaming, but there's no chance of seeing its in different moment (I hate that!).

I like sportube because it offers remakes for a while, but the Lega've just been using it since a month ago or smth... And I'd like to enjoy older matches, for example Cuneo-Macerata, 2011 Italy Cup semifinal, and Trento-Cuneo at last year V-day... (or also Cuneo-Trento of last sunday, neither Rai or sportube gave it!)
And on sportube you can't find the matches trasmitted on RaiSport...

Thanks for helping^^

ps I hope I'm allowed to add a new discussion...
Zyta 1332 11
il y a 13 ans
what about on-line channel of Rai? I heard there are some matches from Serie A there, but I can't watch, it's only for users with Italian IP.
Michal 493 10
il y a 13 ans
I'm afraid something like that doesn't exist. You can try to download wanted matches from (by far the best download base), because Rai site Zyta has mentioned doesn't have replay system for sport channels.
Kk15Author 1301 11
il y a 13 ans
you are right, on Raisport website you can just find the italian matches of the last world championship and the final... (or, i was able to find just these macthesXD)

Michal, I'll try with, thanks?

Zyta 1332 11
il y a 13 ans
But I wrote note on about webtv, matches which won't be on RaiSport will be on webtv, but you have to try to find that article on website.
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