kennyr5 20 3
il y a 11 ans
Can you just go away? For like...a really long time?
RevanExtasis 746 11
il y a 11 ans
for real kid if you know how to ride a bicycle please go and make a ride far away.
RenanZ 1538 15
il y a 11 ans
Enough Wilfredo........THUMBS DOWN
RevanExtasis 746 11
il y a 11 ans
Ja chega pa, uma coisa é brincadeira as vecez mas, ja esta a ficar uma seca. vai dar uma volta
Buziak_PL 97 2
il y a 11 ans
You know guys I just can't believe such a big idiot may exist and that's why I suppose Wilfredo is really smart and intelligent person ho is having fun by trolling one of the best sites about volleyball
Koxiu 63 4
il y a 11 ans
pls ban him :<
RenanZ 1538 15
il y a 11 ans
...man, now I'm thinking: Why I have created that discussion?!

I created a monster!!, He won't stop trolling us, he want our blood, want to kill us with all his videos
He want to kill us, take our corpses and remove our fingers and toes, just to have more resources to create his Thumbs Uping Empire..

Nagor 1445 14
il y a 11 ans
Peace and love ppl... Haters gonna hate
Nagor 1445 14
il y a 11 ans
I dont hate him, he is my bro
il y a 11 ans
Dude...seriously ??
zver 995 13
il y a 11 ans
rofl it's not funny anymore
kuba9426 441 7
il y a 11 ans
Uważam że Wilfredo_is_Marshall jest bardzo porządnym, rzetelnym, uczciwym i solidnym materiałem na to by zostać moderatorem tej strony internetowej. Myślę że wybranie go będzie znakomitym wyborem.
Tak naprawdę żartowałem Wilfredo przestań się osmieszac, przeproś i wyjdź.

I think it is very decent Wilfredo_is_Marshall, reliable, honest and reliable material for it to be a moderator on this site. I think that selecting it will be an excellent choice.
In fact, quit kidding Wilfredo ridicule, apologize and leave.
raylight 3006 15
il y a 11 ans
Don't rush it, son, I'm still the number one gun in this town. If the sheriff wants assistant, I am the man for this job ? ?
Gregor 77 2
il y a 11 ans
VOTE FOR YES! ahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
il y a 11 ans
It was all a joke! Some of you guys take things very seriously! Chill out guys! Haters gonna hate.
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
il y a 11 ans
1 vote from Gregor
1 vote from kuba9426
1 vote from Kaz
1 vote from Nagor
1 vote from MasterOPuppets

5 votes total!

I just want my name to be in a different color!
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
il y a 11 ans
Can my name be blue?

That is for Moderator
RenanZ 1538 15
il y a 11 ans
Chrison, can you create a different kind of color name for Wilfredo??

You know, we have black for users, green for movie creators, blue for moderators...

I think something like pink or purple for the "Wilfredosss" would be fun
NightFox 1457 14
il y a 11 ans
nice idea chirson
RenanZ 1538 15
il y a 11 ans
Grey would be funny too... eauhaeuheauhaeu
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
il y a 11 ans
chrison. no no no no! ?
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
il y a 11 ans
what is red?
kuba9426 441 7
il y a 11 ans
Wilfredo are you kidding me ? You havent got vote from me xD
il y a 11 ans
I think pink suits you Wilfredo! ?
raylight 3006 15
il y a 11 ans
RenanZ 1538 15
il y a 11 ans
hm....think we had enough of this discussion.
It was fun indeed....but let's move on, shall we?!
RenanZ 1538 15
il y a 11 ans
Guys.....I'm a completely jerk to do it, but I have to share:

Wilfredo says:

We say:
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´


....just a joke, before someones wants to kill me!!!
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
il y a 11 ans
I thought you were the one who said "hm....think we had enough of this discussion.
It was fun indeed....but let's move on, shall we?!"

RenanZ 1538 15
il y a 11 ans
Classement des joueurs de volley-ballQui est la meilleure joueuse de volley-ball de tous les temps ?Afficher le classement des joueursClassement des joueurs de volley-ball
Qui est la meilleure joueuse de volley-ball de tous les temps ?Afficher le classement des joueurs