The hottest athlete from Novopolotsk right now, or Our Victoria in the final of the volleyball European Cup. Lots of photos

The hottest athlete from Novopolotsk right now, or Our Victoria in the final of the volleyball European Cup. Lots of photos

uwit 2024-05-12 • 125 vues

21-year-old #ViktoryiaHaniyeva  from Novopolotsk is the main sports star from Novopolotsk right now. As part of the capital's Minchanka, she reached the final of the European Volleyball Cup, which has not happened to our teams since Soviet times.

But they started talking about the girl for quite some time. And not only in connection with sporting successes. The Worldofvolley portal named the Novopolotsk player one of the most beautiful volleyball players in the world. We agree with our colleagues, and at the same time we found several interesting quotes from the athlete. 

The story is this: my parents lived in Nizhny Tagil, my dad played hockey. Then I received an offer from the Novopolotsk club, we moved to Belarus, and here I was born. Dad played for Khimik for a long time, knows both the Kostitsyn brothers and Denisov well, and still communicates with them. Well, from childhood I was accustomed to an active lifestyle, I wanted to become an athlete. 

At first she played in Novopolotsk "Friendship" - BSU with Yuri Bondar. He communicated well with Oleg Viktorovich Gulevich, who then headed Minchanka. In the summer of 2015, I was invited to a viewing. It was just the preseason and therefore it was harder than ever before. But Gulevich liked me, he said:  “I haven’t seen many people who love volleyball as much as you do . ”

But we are not chasing salaries, we are playing for the honor of the country. And this is more important than money. You know how nice it is when you win and people look at each other: “Where did they even come from?” They didn’t really know what Belarus was or where it was located, but now they definitely know.

I am very pleased that we have more fans. I remember how we walked at the beginning of the season - very modestly. And now there’s no comparison - the stands are full. The support helps a lot. You watch the recording on TV, we score and everyone jumps up from their seats - it charges you with such adrenaline... You want to play better and better. They write a lot on social networks, this is also very nice, we respond and thank you for your support. The city will find out. They say all sorts of good things. Cool, in general!

All photos from the personal archive of Victoria Ganieva

The first final match of Minsk against the Turkish giants will take place on March 3. Read the full interview with the athlete on the Pressball website .

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