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How the pros balance WORK and SPORT
I asked my teammates from Athletes Unlimited Volleyball how they are spending their off day in the shield. Lots of sleep, recovery, work and of course...some photography and youtube for yours truly...
Follow @Athletes Unlimited for more videos!
@auprovolleyball @auprosports @vb_ci
Thankyou to Jade Hewitt for the thumbnail photo: @jadehewittmedia
Aykay - Cool Whip
Pink Roses - Dreamin
Ellipsis - Different
The 128th video of Ci Michel
#CiaraMichel #AthletesUnlimitedProLeague #AthletesUnlimitedUSProLeague202021
Qui est la meilleure joueuse de volley-ball de tous les temps ?Afficher le classement des joueurs
TOP20 de October
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