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II High School in Cracow
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What's the source of this rumour about Leal?
thats insane ;o
@eRKa i remember that - Semen blocked Giba, starred in his eyes, Giba took the challenge and started playing like a lion after that! Unfortunately i dont have any video of this
Bomby brakuje. ?
Kłosa za Wlazłego, żartujesz chyba. Już widzę potrójną scianę na naszym lewym ataku w przypadku kontry, bo środka i tak nie graliśmy, a Kłosa jakoś nie widzę wylatującego na szybką piłkę z 1. strefy. ?
Champions League 2011/2012 il y a 12 ans +1
@Chrison as far as i know Challenge statute says that block touch cannot be checked

EDIT: Chrison, you are right, last action can be checked
Champions League 2011/2012 il y a 12 ans 0
Which one? 3rd meter cross?
Best blocker in the world il y a 12 ans +9
Winiarski and Mikhaylov have a nice ability for single blocks ?
Hahaha, 3:20 - watch where Podrascanin (i think it's he) went :D
Post your FaceBook here il y a 12 ans +3
Nice idea :)

btw. anyone from Cracow here? :)
4:14 she's soo cute
Bartosz Kurek nice set il y a 12 ans 0
"Barteeeek!" :D
What do You think, who would have been MVP if Poland had won? ?
Nice work ? But there is a mistake - Winiarski was best receiver twice ?
I think it was not the first time Giovi behaves like an ass. I dont know what match that was, but he tried to trip a player from opposite team up when coming back to his court after defence, anyone remember that?
How tall are you??? il y a 12 ans +2
I think You should also add a link do Youtube profile of each movie maker ?
How tall are you??? il y a 12 ans 0
Maybe add also your ages and positions? ?
Giba vs. Murilo vs. Dante il y a 12 ans 0
Dante <3

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