À propos de moi

I'm having fun taping matches and making highlights recording: WinTV Hauppauge HD2-Nova editing: Pinnacle Video Studio 15

Données du fan

Forestry University - Florence
Date de naissance
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Dernière activité
il y a 3 ans

Profils sociaux


I love Henno, Macerata can survive without some OH, but not without Hubert... in all the break they do he touched the ball
Stokr and Parodi got a yellow card in third set to keep calm, probably the referee got yellow to them cause they are the most goodish and less wrathful
great great great....
but in 2013 we can grow up
I wasn't there, i just heard some declaration released from CT Piazza who's defending his capitan from insult
nothing.... people are idiots and they are insulting Wout cause Cuneo lost 2 simple matches.... they forgot that Cuneo started to win some cup when Wout arrived in there
@chsiryi: they are losing point and players... they got 7 or 8 injury this year (or this last 3 month)
yep, cause when Wout lift the ball, he got a strange spin from left to right rather most of others got a spin from bottom to up, so when he serve on 5 and 6 he got this crazy spin (Stokr and Rak got the same spin), Sartoretti got the inverse spin from right to left (of course, he is left-handed)
smile... it's Christmas
np, was a pleasure
what's the problem? if u're the strongest u can face every team
I had to post it.... it's one of the exiting match i saw in this season
@przemek16: too much point for ivan mean a weak team, is not a coincidence that u can't find a player from Trentino, Lube or Kazan in the scorer list ?
2012 BEST PLAYERS AWARDS il y a 11 ans 0
SETTER: Grbic (Ricardo)

RECEIVER: Juantorena, Zaytchev (Winiarsky, Murilo)

MIDDLE: Podrascanin, Mastrangelo (Rak, Nowakowsky)

OPPOSITE: Mykhailov (Stokr)

LIBERO: Henno (Exiga)
poor skra ?
i'm sorry for the delay
Italian Games il y a 11 ans -1
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...... failed at 82%
Italian Games il y a 11 ans -1
wilfredo .... my network connection is limited to 10gb/month.... if u wanna fullhd u have to w8 at leasth 3 month
Italian Games il y a 11 ans +1
compressed to 3gb.. tomorrow early i'll upload

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