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I agree, Oli4, I would reallylike to see Argentina-Serbia. (I don't mentioned France-Italy because for me Italian matches will always be the match I can't wait for!=)
@Revan Exztasis, despaigne's manager said that it wasn't true taht he was going to copra...

btw, this is a really interesting prospect of italian transfer:
you can find in blod what it's official or new in the starting six. (i think)
in arrivo: coming; trattative: negotation ; all.:coach (nuovo=new); neo promossa: from A2; sestetto: starting six; disponibili: on the bench (here you find names of who is staying/ new players confirmed); partenze: who is leaving; da confermare: to confirm (who was part of the team last year and nobody says if he is gonna staying)

Poor Treviso...

btw, Djuric in Trento; Sala leaving Trento; Kovar may be third receiver in Macerata (but I also heard about Papi...); Baranowicz in Cuneo

About Rome... I really hope for Milijkovic and Zygadlo, but I thought Lebl wouldn't be part of the team or at least of the starting six...and Cisolla the same... Lebl did quite good job on the first line, but his serve dirves me really really mad.
I wanted Conte çç
Best server in the world il y a 13 ans +1
don't forget about Dennis!
I hope Italy won't meet Bulgaria!=)
May be Roninho will blame us because we are going "a little bit" off topic ;), but in my house (actually, I don't know exactly whyXD) I've a poster "chile reconstruye unido_trabajo voluntario reconstruccion de la zona asolada por lo sismos" There isn't a date, but it has many years indeed=)
Akolita, L'equipe wrote it, that's it, so we have to wait for an official confirm...

@Oli4, Parodi is officially in Macerata, you can check in Lube website?
also Travica and Giuliani.

If next year someone will be able to challenge Bechatow, PlusLiga will get a lot of point?
saku, nice wishing that a club will have a problem...

I'm glad that N'gapeth is good as receiver too, because Parodi was really important for Cuneo reception and I was wondering if Henno will have to worryXD
please, could someone (cradok?) explain me what exactly N'gapeth did to be kicked out of the NT?I didn't find ditails...thanks?

and, is N'gapeth good in receiving?
great Cuneo!!
yes, not bad! Now we have to wait to know something about the MBs..

btw, I think that they will miss both Parodi and Nikolov=)

cradok, is l'equipe a good source? because there still nothing on italian website.. (but there was rumors for weeks)
Rumors about Monza interested in Nikic, because Papi (a player they were interested in) is close to Piacenza.

Fosco Cicola, libero of Castellana, will stay (he signed for one year). Probably will be reconfirmed also Israel Rodriguez. I think Castellana will have a good chance to come back to A1... (also with falaschi and milushev)

Starovic confirmed in San Giustino, and seems they have an agreement with facundo too...

the commentator is De Giorgi! next year he will coach San Giustino, I'll miss is commentatory!! he is...cuteXD btw, great great action. manià was everywhere during this match!
seems that MRoma keeps making offert to players that are really hard to get... but I would like Zygaldo?
And the result is that he wasn't convocated with the NtXD ok let's end this question;), also because actually I've never seen Baranowicz playing so may be I won't like him to be in the NT eheh!! I only hope he will make the best choice for him^^
Serie A - V-DAY il y a 13 ans 0
thanks for explanation about final4 in european cups! in fact I remember there was cev final4 in Belgium with Iskra, Nooliko, Piacenza and Cuneo in 2010...
now I probably get how they can save time hosting the final4: I thought the choice was final4 in Italy/final 4 somewhere else (2 days less?!), instead now I imagine that the choice is final4 in Italy/no final4 like this year--> almost two weeks less!

about how selcet the teams for the tournament there was nothing, but I'll bet too it won't be 1-3, 4-6 etc!
I think it would be 1-12; 2-11; 3-10; 4-9 for sure, plus probably 8 in the first group, 7 in the second, 6 in the third, 5 in the fourth (I'm guessing)...
I heard that Zygadlo would like to play as first setter, but trentino will try to keep him?
Serie A - V-DAY il y a 13 ans +2
Lega are thinking about next year play-off formula, that have probbaly to change because the short period between the end of the european cups and the beginning of the qualification for the Olympics. (7th-22nd april)

They thought about
- let only the the first 4 team of the regoular season joining the play off (without quarterfinal), and I think this idea really suck, because there will be almost no fight in the second half of the regoular season between the middle-level teams
- make a final4 for the scudetto (as they did for italian cup)
-12 teams access to play off in 4 tournament of 3 clubs. they play three days in a row (on easter week end, sunday-saturday-monday) in the "palasport" of the best classificated, who win the tournament gets directly to the semifinal (best of 3), and V-day as the last two years --> that's the one that seems to be preferred until now. The thing I dislike is the fact that the "quarterfinal" will be played in only 4 places on 12 clubs...but i understand it's necessary...

SerieA2 will play play-off during Olympics tournament, so there will be for them a new market-period to find someone that played out of italy to replace who will be convocated by his NT.

they also add that if CEV will accept to let the final4 of CEVcup and ChallangeCup be played in italy (as Lega asked) there will be the chance of normal play off (?)

(btw, there will be a final4 also for this two european cups because it's the year of the olypmics? because this year there was a final4 only for CL)
no doubt that for Cuneo it would be a good choice let him train with Grbic so he will be ready when it will be time for Grbic to finish his career, but if Italy want to bet on him for the olympics we need him to have more space on the court next year...(I'm selfish about thatXD)

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