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Ciudad Habana, Cuba
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Michael is back unfortunately Zenit have better team and they make a great game but again "the best younger volleyball player" made is own game Great Mikhaylov and michael well after almost 2 years out of the cameras he made whith a place in the strong russian league impresive Go Michaellllllll¡¡¡¡
David Lee il y a 12 ans 0
this dont have any discussion simon is the fucking best in all
Kk15 dont talk about Salpi(Salparov for me). if raylight read this we will to closed this site for bulgarian explosive bomb so just say oh was painfull and forguet it ;)
USA - Cuba il y a 12 ans +2
haha the next year we win the gold hahaahha just kidding i dont know if we can participated. i think the problem of the our hall will be resolved quicly.
Brazil - Argentina il y a 12 ans +2
this match not was of my youtube channel give thanks to Claudio Braz im only are fan of his channel and when are more faste its better so enjoy the game and love the volleyball 4ever.
Radostin Stoytchev il y a 12 ans 0
let me know cause i dont understand nothing so Stoychev is out already????...interesting
and now God came down to earth for said me you are wrong RevanExtasis maybe they are weak but they can win if the russian dont feel well wining the bronze medal or they are good team in the end and just that.
Let me clarify for that Trolls below this coment who thinks poland its not well i will take "Shit" and i wonna put a "Weak" if that word pleased your majesty, you team in this moment are nothing without they beloved Wazly or his magnificent Zagunmy or whatelse Plinski or Winiarski they have many money already that ..... they dont care anything about nothing that you are saying cause they are so tired ;( for reading your patriotic message, said me bad word dont will give victories to Poland and hey they win the first you must be in touching the sky now. that was one of the why EnriqueCLT was banished from this site for say the true about poland for people like you .

P.s this was the first comment after Zyka hey but if you want my banishment its ok, and i think is better call you team how i called, instead start saying comment abuot your race or your blood if you dont like my opionion deal whith it i dont have to like any of your comments to its my opinion againts yours, i thought that Poland was a country with free thinking
Nice serve il y a 12 ans 0
esto no es pelota es voley a tocar home runs con los industriales
i dont know why you are worried its true they lose a big game but the last time i see Poland is a weak team compare whith russia if the fivb leave russia and bring poland brazil will crown again they are tired see brazil in the top in the two genres woman and man so russia have to go and poland well wacht the game for tv. I know that rusia lose all chances but they are the No2 for good sake and the actual WL champions for commercial reason they are first that the poland team cause i like more see a rusia vs Brazil than a Poland vs brasil. the money dont buy quality of game if only poland have all they good players im god but that crap ??? hell no .
anyway the fivb have to think give the wild card to rusia instead to poland cause poland whith that team is a shit and second they are here cause they dont have meet a good rival in this road the first was italy and they give 3--0 second Rusia is the No2 and the sucesor of Brazil and actual WL champion so go Rusia and stay Poland. its almost impossible that the 2 wilcards go to european teams
WTF¡¡¡??? that its all ???
Bulgaria lose ;( what a big dissapoinment, well,this is for show us that in this champioship, weak team doesnt exis. Slovakia??, good for they... i think tonight they will make a naked party, because win over bulgaria is the most important thing that they make in the last years besides win the 2011 euroleague.

P.S raylight calm down dude, nothing is imposible just hard to do its all. remember this is only the begining.
i have to say Kk15 that portuondo have two carrers he also are a musician of regaeton and latin hip hop raper so volleyball is part of his life to but well i think he dont want play in a big club because his performance right now its not the same anymore than he was in the NT of Cuba . so lets be honest the kid dont want many challenges.
this discussion will end when some of you two dramatic fans stopeed write to the other and well that is far to end. so who cares, if modena win or not, that games are history trentino win and well good lucky for this season as always.
hahah dont trust in me but since i found this page i have been to learn some words and how to read in rusian, i mean Cuba wrote in russian its almost the same kyba for me haha its not the same whith brazil or poland but whith USA haha that was easy CWA forever haahha
i only have one thing to say "Simon is the Best" yeah buddy ;)
Yes this year the WC will be the main show is a shame that simon and the orginal sub-champion team dont are complete anymore, but would be interesting see who take the last tiket can be anyone, Argentina, Usa, Cuba(whith hierrezuelo we can do almost anything), Poland, Italy(if they qualify), Bulgari to, so will be a true batle and i dont know i think even the big teams like brasil or Russia dont will take the top position, who knows ???
ahhhahaha come on proud i mean i know that Cuba is my team but i think Gutierrez dont have competence or rivals in Norceca Area , who ??? LAMBOURNE OR BERRIOZ from Puerto Rico ??? come on , i mean lambourne was a good libero but after the 2008 its like all the USA NT, they dont care about nothing they win already the olympic gold so its equal win or lose but i think whith the team work in 2012 they can do something good. but anyway that was my point, Gutierrez was a MVP and win 4 awards in the Shit League (excuse me the word) in the international level you cant win that number awards ahhah is insane even by gutierrez the maximum is three per players i think SImon win one time three but there not have good rival only brasil. and you can se diference between the Grand Champions CUp and the Norceca Championship, anyway i will enjoy the World Cup because they still use the Robin system like the fotball leagues haahha and in addition whith the international point system will be cool.
yes thanks proud, well first to all i have to congratulate the Bulgarian Players, they improve all years and well many of them play in the best volleyball league of the world is true goal for this conutry and not only now, since 90 or 2000s, well answer to your question i think the norceca system points its the same to the international but the diference is that they give many points like 3-0 12 pts i think?? or 6pts if you win and if you lose for example 3-0 3 pts there not are many diference and i like the original.and its true that why the support of Hierrezuelo the team grow up more , for me he his the most agressive setter in this world and i know that many countries have many good setters like Bulgaria, Italy or Brasil but tell or ask Bruno, Travica or Zhekov make 12 points in a entire game and whith attack, block and servers include. you dont have that kind of man in that possition, but here is the problem Hierrezuelo is a setter and he not have more set skills well he have some but he gave all is forces to the ofenssive its like a 6 opposite, MB cause he dont receive .Back to the inicial topic i know that cuba have a litle lucky when they win this time cause many people say also cuban says "Usa its not a rival for cuba and you can see the numbers of the sets the 2 inicial sets cuba won whith true hard work so there is any diference in levels both are equal, but cuba in the 2009 Norceca have three good Players two of them Simon and Leal they dont come back anymore for play in NT and also the same thing for Michael Sanchez. in the end was lucky and power this victory and im not happy cause many people says bad things to USA and i dont see any diference between this 2 teams so that its all Cuba Win ahhaha that its the most important and well good luck to Bulgaria in the EC 2011 they have big potencials to win this edition ;)

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