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Stalowa Wola
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il y a 4 ans


Na każdej przerwie to samo: (atakuj) wysoko, daleko, nie zaginaj, pamiętaj o asekuracji, jedna piłka po drugiej i gramy dalej :) Znamy to na pamięć :) Albo to wpadka Skry, albo chyba niech nie marzą o LM jak mają problemy z takimi drużynami :o No i wreszcie... trener reprezentacji. Jutro (mam nadzieję) wreszcie dowiemy się kto nim będzie: myślę, że Anastasi (i dobrze by było chyba).
Well done. It looks very impressive, but frames might be better. But this is camera operators fault :)
Murilo Endres nice attack il y a 13 ans 0
I know that in this situation that play was used, because Dante wasn't "available", but I think, that it can be effective play. Remind "gold formula" and spiking only from the back row (also from the left side). Think abot the hypothetical team, where everybody is left-handed. Line-up can be inverted (opposite attacks from the left wing, recievers from the right wing).
I don't suggest, that it would be revolutionary, but in volleyball there are a lot of plays, which wasn't used in the past, but its turned out as a effective plays.

Greetings, and thanks for the reply ?
Murilo Endres nice attack il y a 13 ans +1
I don't know why in the volleyball tactics attack from the back row, from the left side is almost unnoticed.
Volleyball humor il y a 13 ans 0
I remember a guy from Puerto Rico. I saw him probably in 2008 in national team. He was experienced player and played quite well. But he wasn't as fat as Alekno.
Poland - Brazil (SET2) 1996 il y a 13 ans 0
Haha, Nowak's action in 2:26 :) Zagumny was quite short, when he was young, I think he grown up a bit. Some great actions with both teams, also Zagumny's trick at the net (1:54) was perfect.
Yusuke Ishijima (Gottsu) il y a 13 ans 0
Bardzo podoba mi się spontaniczność i wyrażanie emocji przez Azjatów. A nie standardowe zbiegnięcie w kółeczko :P
I remember that Robertlandy Simon covered his eyes when he was out of the pitch at the last points in 4th set :)
Evgeny Sivozhelez nice set il y a 13 ans +8
Na prezydenta!
Cuba - Russia (SET5) il y a 13 ans 0
@ 1:51 Zobaczcie jakie profesjonalne obuwie sportowe typu "halówki" :P Jak widać nie sprzęt, a technika czyni z Ciebie zawodnika! :)
You're right Zyta. Skra played poorly and Nawrocki made bad decisions. I think Winiarski wasn't right when told that they are mentally prepared for the final.
I think that Skra needs better setter. I don't think that this defeat is Falasca's fault, but we don't need a setter that we would deliberate is he guilty of defeat or not. Skra needs a very good setter and the leader (Wlazły isn't good at this aspect).
Mousavi is great player! I am suprised that he don't play for the better team.
In my opinion Stokr is just a little worse than Visotto, I can tell You why, but maybe in the other discussion (it would spend a lot of place and time for us there).
I think that chances for both teams are about fifty-fifty (it's hard to say what is the exact probability). Skra is a little better than year ago (Wlazły and Winiarski are in their good shape), but Trentino is a little worse than year ago. Visotto was very important element of this team- Stokr is not as good as him (but also very good). We can say that Juantorena isn't in his best shape. In conclusion: we can't point the favourite of this match.
It's important to add: prize for the 2nd place holder will be 170000$ so it is not much less than for the 1st place.
It's possible only in Brazil or Italy :) OK, it's a joke, but they are famous for their temperament.
That's it! Hihghlights with a sound from the court and with a music, which is getting quiet in the right moments.
Marcos Milinkovic il y a 13 ans +6
Ciekawy filmik. Ja znam go stąd: (...) Marcos Milinkovic, ta piłka podbita czy zdążą nasi? Och coś niesamowitego, gramy dalej (...) Źle, źle rozegrana piłka, ale Milinkovic także źle Podbija (...) Broni Milinkovic. Jeszcze raz, Piotr Gruszka, jeszcze się bronią, i już jest, jest koniec! Cóż za akcja! Polska! Wiecie, o co chodzi? :D
Dokładnie Nagor. Button do zmiany. Oczywiście jest kwestia przywiązania do buttona, ale skoro ma przyciągać ludzi to jednak musi bardziej rzucać się w oczy.
Yeah. Your right!! We are just a little better than Australia, but I think Cameroon is still better than us. A year ago we overtake Australia in FIVB ranking and we still have to train very hard to overtake Cameroon. I think their national team will be on the top for next 5 years. :P
My defense il y a 13 ans 0
Z dziewczynami faaajnie się gra, szczególnie jak jest się akurat w drugiej linii :P Ja gram czasami z dziewczynami z Vegi Stalowa Wola, bo czasami przyjdą na SKS do mojego byłego liceum.
My defense il y a 13 ans +4
Pierwsze "podbicie" było świetne. Później byłeś obstrzeliwany, ale sytuacyjnie jakoś odbijałeś. Fajna akcja. Kurde... muszę znaleźć kogoś kto by nagrywał jak u mnie się gra, bo też coś fajnego by się znalazło :) Oby więcej takich filmików!

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