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qsek: when you want to see the statistics, go on CEV's site and than you choose: volleyball european championships, senior, game info ?
Congratulations Estonia, great match!!! Poland is playing without Kurek, Kubiak, Żygadło, Możdżonek and Gruszka, but boys are fighting brave against Slovakia. If we take the second place, we will play against Estonia and than, if we would win, Russia. If we take the third place - Czech Republic and later probably Slovakia or maybe Bulgaria, so it's betterto take the third place... it's strange with this system...
i'm disappointed about JW, i hoped for bazin and more young polish players... i'm affraid that kubiak can be suspended like jurquin, but we will see
but i didn't write that ? i mean, that bartman WON'T play as opposite, because JW haven't receivers so he must be receiver ? and the other thing: bartman or łasko on the bench? i can't imagine that ?
i don't think, bartman will play as opposite, because they have lack of receivers. there is only bartman. who more? buchowski, dobosz? and what about kubiak? gromadowski could be the second opposite

what about kadziewicz now??? maybe comeback to plus liga? all teams have already three middleblockers, but he's much better than many players on this position. maybe fart kielce???
to bulgarian friends, kaziyski is not in best form, but look, he plays non stop in italian league and NT, without a break. he isn't a robot, it's impossible to be in top form all the time. looka at wlazły and winiarski. when lozano was our coach they played all the time too, often after injections. now they have enormous problem and are unable to play in NT again. kaziyski is much stronger, but he can't play excellent in each match. but penchev is going to be a great player in couple years, he can be a new plamen ?
it's the end of the final eight for zbyszek bartman... 2-3 weeks break... i think we should play with ruciak and kubiak as receivers and kurek as oppposite who receives too. but i hope for come back of piotr gruszka, he could be our hero again ?
rany boskie, jakie my mamy niedołęgi na środku siatki... nie ma ani jednego solidnego, równo grającego środkowego. arek gołaś się w grobie przewraca. w ogóle kompromitacja dzisiaj... wierzę, że na finałach będzie lepiej.
we have never had so poor middleblockers in polish NT. total disaster against brazil today, but i hope it will be better in final eight
i can remind me kokociński at the beginning of his career in częstochowa. i thought he would be a great player, but he stopped to improve. i think he is too weak player for plus liga
i hope giacomo comes back fast. it would be better for JW to take for example drzyzga and one foreign strong receiver
skra is interested in poey
Thanks, VK_Grad! ?
Bulgarian friends, could you tell us something more about Stanislv Petkov?
i agree with you, someone. it's not good to change position all the time. he should play as opposite. bartman, kubiak, jakopin, steuerwald - politechnika could be really strong in this season, but without bartman and probably kubiak too... it's a pity
Yes Rachel, it was two fantastic games on high level and with great emotions! Sergio and Ignaczak were incredible, i would say, it was a really defence-fight. i wish i could see more such good games ?
wow! mikko oivanen in gdansk! yoga forle will play in serie a2 so lotos could take his brother too ?
so maybe bartman will play as OP i politechnika too? and kubiak and jakopin as receiver. it would be great ?
i have just seen cuba and it was a disaster... as zaki says, without simon, leal and hierrezuelo they are poor. castro and his friends must understand that they only destroy the team when they don't let them play in europe.
about polish setters, i think, łomacz and drzyzga are much better than żygadło and woicki. it was no pipe yesterday!!!
no, kurek 23 points - 20 spikes + 3 blocks ? but no point from pipe... ? zygadło plays very good with middleblockers, but pipe worked not. i hope, we will see kubiak in the next match. italy destroyed france, i'm very surprised about this resultat

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