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Champions League 2011/2012 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
and happy birthday Savaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! ?
Champions League 2011/2012 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Masterpiece of Macerata *.*
Wonderful payback ?

BTW, in this period Macerata shows they can be truly focused only for 2 sets and half in a match.
Well, at least this time they were able to focus on the right sets ?

BTW, of course I know that it isn't end AT ALL, I didn't think "ok, now they'll be in the final4 for sure" not even for a second, but I'm absolutly glad for the victory itself and for how it developed ?
Champions League 2011/2012 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
I don't think Trento is all serve and Juantorena, for example I think that Rapha makes a huuge difference (about that, i suggest the article written by Jack Sintini on Dallari Volley). And Trento has a very low level of errors, and I think this one is their first strenght, not making any gift and using all the gift the other team makes.

But it's also true that vs a team like Macerata the difference can be made, in effect, with a serve run.
I mean, Macerata has the skill to limitate Trento strenght (or to use its vs Trento, e.g. the serve), so in this case it can actually be a good serve run that makes the difference! (and in effect it happened!)
Considering that Juantorena is the best server of the league and imo also of the world, right now, he is the main "alarm", but we saw that also Brugshtaler was important, like in the match of the italian championship Stokr was, or like Savani was for Macerata during the first set.

Probably Macerata stressed to much this point (stopping Juantorena's serve run), at least in their minds, so as soon they failed in it they got nervous...
Raylight, I was kidding ? But I think that comment was a bit silly...

About Birarelli, I agree. More than for the points he would have score, for the importance in blocking.

About Burgsthaler serve, I really can't see it as a Stoytchev tactical victory. If Zygaldo would have score an ace when Rado put him in court to serve (and set, considering that Sokolov was in for Rapha), that would have been also Rado's victory, but in the case of Burgsthaler I think he is the one that deservs all the credits (with the help of Parodi distraction)...

Lube Macerata in season 2011/12 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
That's why I specificated "in Italy" at the end of the first sentence ?
Champions League 2011/2012 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Why Macerata should be advantaged more than Trento using Mikasa?
Mikasa first influence - I guess - is on reception, and Trento is more used to play with a worst reception than Macerata, probably... And may be the second think Mikasa influences is the serve, and Macerata is the one that usually commette more serve errors... What do you think about Mikasa and about the influence it can have on a match?

BTW, imo the Molten is waaay better than Mikasa!
I don't know, I think that Travica didn't make these mistake mostly because of the pressure in general, but because he actually lacks of precision... So, the technical reason itself. Even if is also true that the tenchical reasons usually accour to be most evident in the thoughest moments (probably not only because of what the player did, but also because we tend to remember these moments better)! The pipe that Parodi didn't see coming was a good idea, it was actually enough impredictable (how many team can set a pipe after Osmany served, and can serve it to the player that received the ball?!).
He did two mistake in setting, but then he did an effective tip and he took a great risk in spiking a not precise defense of Colaci... That is something that a player that can't hanlde the pressure does... (+, the ace was lucky but at least it wasn't an errors ?

But for example I think that when he sent the tip out in the 3rd set during the famous Osmany run serve and right after Omrcen ball, he did the mistake because of nervosism (not strictly due to the referee error, but because Osmany was serving and he -Travica - had the rush to end his run serve that started at 13-18 for Macerata and - at the moment of Travica mistake - leaded Trento to 15 or 16, I don't remember)
Lube Macerata in season 2011/12 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Actually, speaking about "tituli", they are in the same position where Trento was last year in Italy. Or even in a better position, considering that Trento lost the final 3-0 of the ItalianCup after losing also the Supercup 3-0..

Thoug, we remeber the last season as "Trento season", don't we? ?

I think that until Macerata won't learn to reduce the errors and to do not lose the focus (but actually one things lead to the other) they'll be a step later, but if they'll be able to do that they can be a real threat for everybody. Like Italy, in effect ? But with a better libero ?

In effect the fact they'll ahve to face Trento twice to reach the CL final4 won't help there... It's a pity that they won't both be at the final4 ? If that is the kinf of final they can offer this his a lost for the fans, imo. Expecially the italian fans, of course ?

"and it is always good to see Parodi playing well. Such an all around player with a beautiful game"

You read my mind, I was missing him so much this summer. I simply love his game. Not always his serve, but these two day he served very well too. The one thin I'll complain a bit about him, is that he should work a bit on receiving the jump-float serve.

"I know Trento is very well prepared team, like a machine but Rado contributes nothing when this machine is not working during the match"

I had this impression too.

"At least Matey scored the matchpoint with block ? Specially for those convinced his block is weak ?"

Really, raylight??! I hope it wasn't your first thought about the match... ?
BTW, Lucky is one of those convinced his block is weak ?

BTW (I wrote that thought to a friend, I'm too lazy to traslate it now, sorry ?)
Finalmente sono riuscita a vedermi gli ultimi due set, che tie break incredibile!*__*
Non ho potuto fare a meno di notare che alla fine Macerata, nonostante i 7 errori (contro 1) in battuta e quelle 3 imprecisioni commesse durante la seconda parte del set (pipe mancata di Parodi dopo che lui stesso aveva fatto una ricezione perfetta su una bomba di Juantorena e due brutte alzate - una davvero grossolana! - di Travica) ha perso solo di 2 punti... Annullando ben 5 match point, poi, di cui due anche consecutivi! Insomma il set è stato assolutamente equilibrato!! Ma si sa, Trento non perdona niente. Comunque alla fine l'impressione che ho avuto è che Macerata stia lì ad un niente, ma là resterà se non imparerà a sbagliare un po' di meno e ad essere un po' più costante... E devo dire che mi ricorda tanto l'Italia. Che coincidenza xD

"Since I won't be there, of course it will be the most amazing and thrilling final ever"

I guess it was... But I would have wanted another winner!!! ?
I got a text from a friend that told me Macerata was winning 2-0 (and I saw the middle of the first set, amazing things from both sides!!!), at quarter past 8 I was home and I switched on the tv... and saw Macerata on the podium!
Then I saw their faces...

Did really Travica said that they deserved to win? O.o Quite arrogant...

Lube Macerata in season 2011/12 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
yes yes I know, I referred it to the strenght of the teams they had/will have to meet in this specific period ?
Lube Macerata in season 2011/12 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
BTW, as before Lube and Cuneo played 3 matches in a row in two weeks (italian championship and CL), this time Lube and Trento will play 3 matches almost in a row (there will be an italian championship match in the middle) in less than two weeks: today in the Italian Cup final and in two matches between february the 22th and march the 1st for the CL...
"Lube" and "rest" aren't in the same dictionary ?
I didn't buy the ticket because I knew I couldn't go ?
(The 2-euro promotion was only for the semis, btw)

But this is a good new for you: since I won't be there, of course it will be the most amazing and thrilling final ever ?

Please I'll be really gratefull if you'll record tomorrow match, I won't able to watch it! ?
I have to admit that yesterday I realized that I wanted Macerata to win also because Modena imo with this stuf of the Challenge Cup lost the "right to deserve" anything during this season.

But for Bagnoli the Challenge is a "coppetta", he is too good to play for similar craps!
Oddio manco mi sono accorta che fosse entrato! xD Comunque anche Esko almeno due volte si è risparmiato di prendere due secondi tocchi che erano palesemente suoi, aspettandosi che Martino raccattasse la palla quando giustamente lui non si stava muovendo per prenderla ma per attaccare sull'alzata che si presupponeva Esko facesse... Una volta pure Manià non è andato a prendere una palla lunga toccata dal muro pensando che ci andasse Martino, ma cavoli non solo lui è libero, ma probabilmente ce l'aveva anche più vicina!

ps thanks for the explanation, I thought it was to have an OH in 4 instead of an opposite during the P1 but now I also understood why the changes lasted more than the P1 itself ?

about the Lega (and the regional Fipav), think that this morning they were distruibiting in front of the schools of the area coupons to buy the ticket for the semis at 2 euros... =.=
I got that coupon to by post by the Fipav because I'm tesserated (thank God I didn't buy the tickets by myself before I received it!), and I was supposed to be in the higher ring, but all the people in the C settor were allowed to go in the B (second ring). This is also really unfair for who payed the full prize to stay in that sector.
And think that before ths 2 euro things, the tesserated (from everywere) were allowed to buy tickets without "prevendita" and at a lower price, but guess what? you could only buy it on Fipav office, in Flaminio. And only from monday to friday. If you consider that I need more than 1 hour te get there ?

That to underline the flop.

Non c'era un cartellone pubblicitario UNO in giro per la zona, nemmeno davanti al palalottomatica!!!!!!
Lube Macerata in season 2011/12 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
I'm so glad he was so important for the team, the last to matches he wasn't performing very well and was replaced by Kovar (the first time quite well, actually!), I think he really needed to play a match like this. I read once that the things he like the most to score are blocks, because block isn't a strenght of him, and today he did 5 blocks... It has to feel good ?
@Kjeld, Colaci was amazing indeed, he did few insane digs!
The numbers said that he played even better than I thougth, BTW!
"Mentre il pubblico ha eletto Cristian Savani, grazie al sistema telefonico di 1ring, la gara, i numeri, l'impatto dicono che il migliore della sfida è Simone Parodi, capace di chiudere 21 punti con il 62% in attacco, tra cui 5 muri, alcuni importantissimi, con 30 palloni ricevuti sulle spalle (67 quelli totali di squadra) con il 73% di positiva e il 50% di perfetta. Ma al di là dei numeri, che già lo premiano, Parodi è stato il veri trascinatore sin dalle prime fasi del match" (Volleyball.it)

"The publlic voted for Savani, but the match, the stats, the impact said that the MVP is Parodi, able to close 21 points with 62% in attack, 5 blocks - fews very important, 73% positive and 50% perfect receptions on 30 (on 67 reception Macerata did). But even not considering the numbers that already award him, Parodi was the real leader from the beginning of the match"

I agree ?

And Exiga copyed my words ?, "Nei primi due set abbiamo ricevuto molto bene, dopo abbiamo lasciato cadere qualche pallone di troppo, soprattutto io in un paio di occasioni. Peccato perché potevamo vincere per 3 a 0, ma l’importante è stato vincere" = "in the first two sets we received very well, then we let falling few balls more than what was undersandable, expecially me in a couple of occasions ( -->e.g.-Martino ace). It's a pity because we could have won 3-0, but the important was to got the victory"
I voted for Parodi!!!!!!! 5 blocks, WTF!!!!!!! And he almost lead Macerata to re-take Modena in the third set with a good serve run. He closed important points (e.g., the second last - very nice rally - and the match point) and received well, and didn't suffer when he had to spike from 2 (lately he had few problems about that imo). And if I counted well he is at 100% in pipe...
And yes, I'm a bit partial about him, I probably woudl have vote him anyway ?
And I voted for Raphael, also because I was sure everybody would have voted for Osmany (but I was wrong xD). I like him a lot!

BTW, it was so empty ? Stupid Legaaaa! Fortunally the fans made the atmosphere nice ?

I found the second macth quite boring, but there were also nice rally, and of course amazing kills ? Imo Belluno played well, but it was far to being enough vs Trento.

Modena, exept in the third set, was quite disappointing, even if they closed few nice actions, while Macerata - exept for the number of serve errors - played quite well, and also in the third set they managed twice to almost close the gap, but"almost" isn't enough. It's a pity that they soffered Martino's serve run, he didn't serve such incredible balls imo, they coudl have done smth more, but eventually they won so it isn't really important ?

@casamodena, why Bagnoli preferred Kooy to Dennis in certain moments? (If I'm not wrong he usually did the change in P1, but not just for the P1...)

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