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6 évvel ezelőtt


@Volleyball-Tube: Good point. The maybe have just a very bad year(Momentum is very important). Next year might be a great one.
@Volleyball-Tube: That's weird, he's not on Trentino's page.

I believe they are very strong, but to compete with Kazan? That I'm not sure if they can. I agree partly with Wilfredo_is_Marshall: Belgorie is strong, but not enough. They had a low rank, then climbed fast in the russia cup. I think Trentino has the upper hand in term of momentum, especially with Kaziyski.

By the way, I'm surprised that almost all the post here got minus voted(especially my last one). It was a healthy discussion. I just threw what I thought about the current situation with my inexperience. I discussed all that because I like that kind of discussion and would hope for more discussion like that. Instead of minus voting, why not participate in the discussion and teach me a new things or two? Or prove me I'm wrong(I'm surely wrong by the way)? Some friendly arguing is fun. ? Note that I don't care about the votes, I just want to encourage discussion... I've stated I'm not an expert and would like to learn about professional volley-ball... We don't have a professional league here in Canada.. So... ?
@taduch1: I don't know who Urnaut is. If Kaziyski is playing currently with Trentino, then Trentino have a better chance. I knew he is in Trentino right now, but I missed him since he is not on Trentino's page and I assumed he won't be able to play until next season...

Kaziyski has a menacing serve, so it helps, but I think it's not enough.

PS: By the way, I'm not an expert. ?
@nyshek: Petric, Serbian names are confusing ahaha.
@Wilfredo_is_Marshall: Shouldn't there be a limit of foreign players? They have Bruno, Lucas, Ngapeth, Sasa and Milos Nikic...

As of Trentino, hey have Mitar Djuric and Filippo Lanza who can be a threat (So they have a threat on both side). However, I feel that the rest of the team aren't that impressive... Well, not enough in my opinion to beat the three other teams. Yeah they got good setters, but I still think its not there.

I believe Trentino won't go further.
@Wilfredo_is_Marshall: I'm not sure why you say "barely changed". only Matthew, Maxim Mykhaylov and Evgeny Shivozhelez stayed there very long. The middles are relatively new, a lot of change to the setters(Butko just arrived for example and took setter starter). The libero position too had some change.

Of course it didn't change a lot since last year, but not the past years. I'd even dare to say that Belgorie changed the less with Tetyukin, Muserskiy, Smoliar, and Khtei.

I believe every team is new each year, but let's not forget one thing: When Priddy arrived on the team, the team's ranking skyrocketed. Maybe it's because he filled an important hole of the team? Every teams has a core that will (almost) never change unless the staff is overhauled. The core, that is the engine of the team, is what characterize the team. Zenit Kazan is the very good hitters(All are good, Gatselyuk, Aschev, Mikhaylov, Anderson, Wilfredo, and so on). Belgorie relies more on tall people in the middle and smaller hitters? Modena relies more on cunning with NGapeth, Bruno and Starovic? And so on. ?

If you have a bunch of good players, it's the job of the head coach to make them work together. That being said, that's why I believe it's more because of Alekno's job that Zenit is so good? Everywhere he coaches, it's a good team. When he retook over Russia's team, they are back on the olympics. And we don't forget Zenit Kazan is coached by him.

To go back on topic, Resovia?
Kurek will be able to deal with Maxim I'm sure, but maybe they will have to put him on the other side (4) to increase the power and blocking there? With Wilfredo and Matthew, I'd do that. They have a lefty on the team and I'm honestly impressed by him, he should be okay to be an opposite on those games. I believe Resovia has the upper hand with the middles since Andrey Aschev relies mainly on being very avaible to attack instead of explosiveness and powers, while Gatselyuk is more like an average guy with a very good situation awareness.... (That makes him very good by the way) While Resovia has Piotr Nowakoski who is a top middle blocker and Russel Holmes is very good too.
To conclude with Resovia, I believe they have the tools to beat Zenit Kazan. However, the defense is not perfect, so it might be very hard for them becuase of Zenit's aggressiveness.

As of Lube, They have the best Libero in Jennia, so they have a better general defense. Very good middle blockers with the serbian middles, I think they have he upper hand there too. Very good spiker with Miljkovic and Fei(I'd put one of them on the wing side if it's not going well). Even with Priddy, I'm not very fond of their wing spikers. I believe they lack there if they want to beat Kazan's team. They have a good defense that could cope with Kazan's power, and some good attacks, but maybe not enough to keep a momentum long enough to disrupt Kazan. But we might be surprised.

To summarize, I think both could beat Kazan. Resovia with the better middles and good wing spikers and Kurek... Or Lube with the better general defense with it libero and middles.
Great movie. I liked it. But, if it was you who added some flash during the video, please don't in the next ones. I dislike these flashes since they hides some cool stuffs. :)
Small typo: Quick, not Quicick? :)
Best of 2015: Maxim Mikhaylov 8 évvel ezelőtt 0
@Wilfredo_is_Marshall: Concerning the first paragraph, I felt you were saying that the club mainly describe the players, which I don't believe. The players define the club.

Concerning the second paragraph, yeah I can agree to some extend. I still believe that sometimes other factor might come in the game... And if a club stay low for a long time, then the reputation are completely different Let's take the famous Les canadiens from the NHL. At the start, they were the best. Now, they are average. ?

Always fun to discuss with you.
Best of 2015: Maxim Mikhaylov 8 évvel ezelőtt 0
@Wilfredo_is_Marshall: Wrong. Everything can change in one single year. Take an example with the Hockey league at America: Les canadiens went from like... top 3 team to like an average team... Or an even better example: Penguins from pittsburg. They have Sidney Crosby, who is considered to be one of the best hockey player of the league, if not the best. The team is like 7th of the conference, which is not very high.
More on topic: Look at Belgorie. They were good last year and the year before. But this year, they aren't that good as they were(They still have Sergey Tetyukin!). Zenith Kazan might even have some bad players there or ordinary players.

Managing a club and playing to a high standard is like riding a rollercoaster: Many ups and down. I believe that some teams are more consistent in keeping their position than others however. But I keep my opinion: Club doesn't define how good a player is. The definition of a good player is how he plays on the field.
What a bad way to lose the last point for Katowice. :P
@Wilfredo_is_Marshall: I recall he was looking for a club since last season with Lokomotiv.
At last, David Lee found a place!
Giba (7th movie) 8 évvel ezelőtt 0
@Wilfredo_is_Marshall: You like to be the first. But what do you win? I'd say you win nothing. What's the difference for me if it's uploaded by you or by another one? For me, it's absolutely no difference. ?
Sergey Antipkin great action 8 évvel ezelőtt 0
I'm not sure if that is a tip since he appears to not even touch the ball. :P
The last one were sick: He finished a set with 4 aces while being set points for the opponents at the start of the serie. It requires a very good head to have the guts to go for it.
Giba (7th movie) 8 évvel ezelőtt -1
@Wilfredo_is_Marshall: I disagree that's it's the admin's job to fix titles, description. I do agree that it's the admins or someone that choose which one makes the cut, but you aren't helping them by dumping loads of videos.

Also I have a question, why do you rush with the uploads? Yes The admins will fix the description because you didn't provide one. It's that simple. Provide one and the admins will be happy.

Look at this one:
It made the cut with no modification. It made quickly to the homepage where yours are still in the waiting list or never made to the homepage. If a quick description and a title is made(not that demanding by the way, just made up a title that's describe correctly the video and make a description of the video of like... X vs Y, Z played and H played, etc. Nothing too fancy. If it's a bad one, they'll correct it, they won't have to start from nothing for example), it would ease up tremendously other's works. They aren't paid to do that I believe. It requires time for others guys to manage the site, why aren't you helping? You just add a charge of work... Wilfredo_is_marshall, don't feel attacked by me, these kind of comments I made also apply to everyone who dumps tons of videos with no titles or whatever. If I were they ones who decides who makes the cut, I would ignore videos with no good title or description if I can or even reject them if I'm not in a good mood... ?

By the way, I watch on the waiting list too because it's the most up of date section of the site(Like videos of games that happened 1 hour before for example) and sometimes interesting videos don't make it to the homepage.
Giba (7th movie) 8 évvel ezelőtt +6
@irvolley: And more: They are just "put" there. I think that if you took more time(Like finding a good title and description) , it would be better than just dumping loads of videos on Volley-ball movies. Others videos uploader often put a good title and a good description, which you don't. ?

Your ratio of accepted videos and rejected videos is very low. Honestly, I'm getting tired of seeing 10th of videos with the majority of them not worth to watch or without a good desciption/title. Hoever, I admit, you put some great videos, Wilfredo_is_marshall. I do think that if you take a little bit more time, it would be way better. I prefer 3 quality movies than 10 movies. Also, if I were the staff, I'd prefer 3 quality movies with already a good description or title than 10 movies with no title and description. It's more work for them where you could've do it. ?
Phil Dalhausser 8 évvel ezelőtt 0
Too much blocks in my opinion. :( But a great player.

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