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4 évvel ezelőtt


I'll tell you why there is no Kaziyski. chrison made a film with the materials he had. There is no shortcut to the Final Four. Here are shortcuts to match Czestochowa - Trentino, but in this match he played very poorly Kaziyski, and he has changed. So stop crying. There is no Kaziyski because chrison did what he had materials. And I agree with Zyta. Winiarski was as useful as Kaziyski. Now Kaziyski is better, but how they played in Trentino were on an equal level.
Previous President Ruben Acosta introduced a provision that Poland is to get a wild card. It is signed on a contract and the current president can not change that. It is all politics. If anyone thinks that the football scandal and in volleyball are not he is wrong. Henrique-You really believed about the fact that we do not know about the wild card for Polish? :))
Henrique - No, we did not know ... Thank you for the information! I do not know if because of that enjoy.
Very wise words chrison. However, I am very pleased that the Polish League is stronger than Cameroon League.
I do not think that the Polish League is weak. Just a little lacking in the Italian or Russian. Polish league is stronger year by year. However, the Italian league getting weaker. Russian Premier League will always be strong. They have a very good Russian players, and very wealthy sponsors, and they can buy the best players.
CEV Cup 2010/11 - Semi-finals 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
The match at a very high level. Unfortunately for me Resovia lost. In Treviso will be hard but I believe in the victory. I would like to final Resovia - CSKA. Good teams and great fans. Yesterday CSKA fans were great.
You're right. The level of this game was low. Overall, the level of the Polish league this season is lower. But I was not surprised. They play too often and do not have time to practice. I hope that next season the schedule will be normal. Warsaw can really play well. But I guess they were afraid to use injured players and they played badly. Skra all win because the team has changed little. They are organized. Other teams have changed a lot and lacks organization. But there is no time for that. I hope that this will change now because I get bored Polish League.
Zgadzam się. Myślałem że w tym roku Skra będzie miała problemy a tu się okazuje że radzi sobie lepiej niż w poprzednim sezonie. Meczów w playoff 1-6 to nawet nie oglądam. Te mecze są bez sensu. Mało emocji bo większość meczów jest o nic. Trzeba poczekać na mecze 1-4 bo tam będzie już walka o medale.
Why we love volleyball 13 évvel ezelőtt +6
I have good news for you because I just started to do a second version of the movie.
nothing special
Optimistic guy and a great volleyball player.
Clayton Stanley ace and headshot 13 évvel ezelőtt +2
Clayton has the power: D
Nikola Grbić standing block 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Oi Dante.
Wout Wijsmans 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Excellent player , very good movie. 2:10 best attack :D
CEV Cup 2010/11 - Semi-finals 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Do not be surprised if the final will be CSKA - Sisley
Everything depends on the Polish Volleyball Federation. Polish clubs are probably the most play from all the leagues in Europe. That they did this year calendar. It all depends on how the calendar change. How to play a match every two days it has to be tired. And it can have a major impact on the results.
We need songs! 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Ja nadal nie mogę zrozumieć dlaczego najpierw robicie filmik a później podkładacie muzykę ? Zrobisz filmik na 5 minut i potem jest problem ze znalezieniem muzyki. Jak najpierw szukasz muzyki to wiesz na czym stoisz. Póżniej efekty są takie że podkładane są jakieś Pinki i Britney Spearsy byle tylko długość piosenki się zgadzała z materiałem ?
Belchatow could not play a second time very badly. I expected to win three sets, but I was afraid of the golden set. Polish club's playing very well in European competitions and I'm pleased with that. Rooselare is a good team and they are always dangerous. Just as Noliko.
a jak można rozróżnić ironię głupią od mądrej ?
Mi tu zaśmierdziało z daleka ironią więc tutaj niektórzy userzy potrafią ją rozpoznać :D
Nikolay Nikolov 13 évvel ezelőtt -1
Music is very bad... but movie and player nice :)

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