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Sofian University
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7 évvel ezelőtt

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EuroVolley 2011 - Play-off's 12 évvel ezelőtt -2
As I thought the match is very interesting..
EuroVolley 2011 - Play-off's 12 évvel ezelőtt -1
1;1. nice ending of the 2nd set.
Poland - Bulgaria 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Аз не се шегувам. Мога да напиша петиция, но няма да я вземат насериозно, макар че чрез ФБ ще събера много хора, които да я подпишат. ;/ Но може да си направим гаргара с една група във Фб... "Бисерите на Сашо Йовков" м? :D
EuroVolley 2011 - Play-off's 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
I think Czech and Poland will make good performance tonight..
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 évvel ezelőtt -2
То и те бомби ще пускат. Много трябва да сме внимателни на посрещане утре..
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 évvel ezelőtt -2
@spiridoncheto Well, I'm not sure when Aleksiev is concentrated and when not, because I've seen him playing just awful in very important matches..
/Сори, че пиша на английски, ама да не си помислят нещо/
Прави грешна топка и почва да псува, след което тотално изчезва от терена..
Много ми харесва начина по който Радо не цепи басма на никого.
Не играеш добре, вън!.. Не се колебае.. а Скримов, ми той няма много време да си показва качествата.. не му дават много шанс да играе, а и е наистина доста нисък... доста!
Poland - Bulgaria 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Мда.. той винаги е мега, гига, турбо концентриран. Особено се зарадвах като назова един естонец с името ДИВИСИЛ /Kivisild/... Още малко и чубрица..мащерка?!..
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 évvel ezelőtt -2
Turkey 1;2 France..
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 évvel ezelőtt -2
So, say it again... is Aleksiev good?...
Тоя ще ни вкара в кривата пътека.. казвам ви. Голяма излагация е..
Не можем да разчитаме -" днеска му е ден, утре не е".. абе като не е сигурен ВЪН от националния... В някъв мач - тренировка оня ми прави гршка след грешка.. утре ще се осере, ама язък, че няма кой да го замести..
Poland - Bulgaria 12 évvel ezelőtt -2
But I will need you to sign it! :p
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 évvel ezelőtt -2
Thank you.. now I don't need to waste my time looking for site where to watch other matches..
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 évvel ezelőtt -1
We didn't know that.. our journalist are all in yellow! ..nobody pay attention to them. They may be suspecting something, but my question has nothing to do with the articles they've written.
As I see our players didn't know it too, at least Nikolov..
There's nothing wrong with didn't understood me correctly....
As all of us said Russia don't need to buy matches..
You maybe don't know but Russian team is my favorite../after Bulgaria naturally /
That's my last post for that question. Sorry if I offended you somehow..
Poland - Bulgaria 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
I can make petition for his dismissal!
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 évvel ezelőtt -3
@_k-is-for-kate_I just ask simple question because I'm curious how federation of whoever country can be official sponsor of EC, and you maybe impulsively asked me If I suspect russia buying the tournament... that's ridiculous. That thought has never been on my mind..
Don't put words on my mouth I've never said!
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 évvel ezelőtt -3
@_k-is-for-kate WTF?! Are you kidding me?!
I hadn't said anything like that...
I'm just wondering how federation can be sponsor of EC.
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 évvel ezelőtt -3
Russian Federation sponsor of the EC?
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 évvel ezelőtt -3
I will not believe if somebody say Aleksiev is good too... ?
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 évvel ezelőtt -2
Тhe title is "I knew that Poland will let Slovakia defeat them"
It's the whole interview to Poland telegraph agency.
Poland - Bulgaria 12 évvel ezelőtt +3
Yeah, we needed to have 2 or 3 timeouts to stop Kubiak's serve.. /and we couldn't/ He was awesome.
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 évvel ezelőtt -4
@NightFox Well Anastasi can..

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