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Yes, I clicked like:) great, just keep working mate:)
Great movie! could you upload more movies from Swiss league? and of course voice of Kris Cornell like background. Excellent:)
Serbian MB Stanislav Simin is new player of the Tours.
Very good video:)
he is incredible! This is the one of the reasons why is volleyball most beautiful sport at the world:)
I also read that Konecni leaves Tours too. What about Terzic? Does he living?
Ending of the club season 2011/2012 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
I agree that this season was full of surprises. Only Zenit expected won title. Main favorites in other strongest European leagues are not became a champions (Trentino, SKRA, Fridrishafen). I think that is good for vball, because other clubs developing. The second good thing is that in every final even in weaker leagues like Slovakia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Portugal... halls was full of spectators?
Mariusz Wlazły nice spike 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
I don't like Cupkovic too much, but he is certain good player, and probably deserve to play for Serbian NT.
Mariusz Wlazły nice spike 12 évvel ezelőtt +8
I thin that Wlazly has most elegant spike in modern volleyball:) very nice for watching.
'Bulgaria is ready' (part 2) 12 évvel ezelőtt +3
You are right. Serbia has biggest chance in Japan, so we make a deal with you, like a Balkan neighbors:)
'Bulgaria is ready' (part 2) 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
I just can't wait to see tournament. Bulgaria will be the favorite number 1, because the way how Serbia and Italy play suits Bulgarians.
Igor Kolakovic is not coach of ACH anymore.
'Bulgaria is ready' (part 2) 12 évvel ezelőtt +4
Bulgaria volleyball country:)
Camp Volley Trend 2012 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Winia is great player, modern receiver with power attack.
Camp Volley Trend 2012 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
koliko kosta boravak na kampu, i koliko dana traje?
Revan, sorry Cuba officially is among top 3 teams at the world?
Revan I wrote already earlier about that. with those players Cuba will be among top 3 teams at the world. I was sure that Cuba will be at the Olympics this year, because she has best team in NORCECA, but after seeing this I am not sure anymore. BTW, however good luck for Cuba!
Great move for Leal. Revan, what does it mean? Will Leal continue playing for Cuba?
Serbian presentation 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
My favorite movies are shortcuts , trailers and old volleyball movies. I think the only problem with this movie is amateur record:)

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