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Ryan Millar (2nd movie) 12 anos atrás +2
Nice nice nice! Couldn't wait any more for new movie about Ryan! :)
Michał Kubiak (2nd movie) 12 anos atrás 0
Zver jakbyś na przyszłość potrzebował innego rockowego coveru znanego hitu to polecam Not tonigh Josephine - All that she wants. Poza tym spoko film :)
Kip3r przewroty w przód na pewno robił Świderski, ale nie pamiętam na jakiej to było imprezie. Wydaje mi się też, że w pierwszym filmiku o Sebastianie jest to pokazane :P
Well Rise Against have some quite good songs (if you like this kind of music of course :]). Try "Give it all", "Ready to fall" or "Survive". They are all dynamic with some slower moment that will (in my opinion) fit for some scenes with emotions from Michał - like he's angry, happy etc ? Here's a link for "survive" (refren is just great! ?) - hope you'll like any of them
Well I'd say Travica deserved his title more then Bari did :] And I'd like to say something about "fans" behaviour... Don't really know if something happened after the final match but I didn't really like all this whistling whenever Italian player came to get his award and when whole team was given their medals. You may disagree with them being choosed as the best but you should show them respect anyway. It's not like Bari and Travica forced the jury to choose them and I felt really sorry about them when I saw crowd's reaction :/
LOL! You wanted Nikic to admit that ball did touch him?! Tell me the name of ONE player that would do it in such moment and then I'll agree with bad taste in your mouth and lack of fair play. Referee just didn't see it and noone can blame him cause it wasn't so clear after all - it's not Serbian's fault anyway
Well Wlazły claims that he's injuried but noone ever seen it happen ? All we have is his word...
David Lee (3rd movie) 12 anos atrás +4
Ahhh w końcu moje prośby i groźby co do filmiku o "Dejwidzie" zostały wysłuchane! :) Świetny zawodnik i fantastyczny człowiek. Czekam na Millara! :P
France - Cuba (Highlights) 12 anos atrás 0
Actually volleyball watched in TV looks quite different (and worse imo) then vb watched live :] Too bad I've only been on 2 matches so far :/ But hey - european championsips are so close to Poland now! :)
Tak jak mówi Zaki93 - W trzecim secie Ilnykh przyłożył chyba jeszcze lepiej chociaż nie wbił piłki aż tak blisko :]
Bulgaria - France 12 anos atrás +2
Nice... Wanted to see some matches of Bulgaria 'cause I'm coming to Prague to see Germany : Slovakia and Poland : Bulgaria matches so I was curious how is Bulgaria doing... And I believe I'll see some decent match :]
Brazil - Cuba 12 anos atrás +1
Why no sound? :( Or is it just me?
Matthew Anderson 12 anos atrás +1
Hah when I'm watching Anderson, Stanley... I think that USA serving school is just the best in the world... Not to mention Lotman, Patak and Holt that were showing on the court just to serve and most of the time they were doing it really good
Hah ilość gwoździ na minutę jest chyba największa ze wszystkich dotychczasowych filmów na stronie ^^ Cały Simon... :)
Serbia - Cuba 12 anos atrás +1
Crazy match ^^
Piotr Nowakowski 12 anos atrás +1
I'd say he can reach higher then 355cm :]
Brazil - USA (Highlights) 12 anos atrás +1
Thanks a lot vtnklmdc :]
Brazil - USA (Highlights) 12 anos atrás +1
oO is it possible to download this match? Was looking for it few weeks ago but couldn't find it :/
Matey Kaziyski (6th movie) 12 anos atrás +3
Wow... Just can't wait to see him live in Prague in Poland - Bulgaria match! :]
Danail Milushev (2nd movie) 12 anos atrás +2
Ehh don't you think that it's really unfair that Bulgaria has so many good opposites while we have to change positions of our players if only Wlazły can't play? :( :P

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