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Renan and JRios , very nice of what you two just said. This values, like commitement, team spirit , total dedication are always present on Bernardinho´s teams.
Very, very, very good!!! Beautiful, beautiful images!!! Congratulations!!! Great volleyball should always be celebrated like that...You guys should be very proud of your league,you have so many good players and every year there are new players coming, this is a treasure... Besides the volleyball, I also loved the images of the children,I love see them with their fathers at the end of the matches.
Klosz, thanks for the compliments to our players and national team. Poland is very strong too, in fact , I admire very much your players and most of all, the way you guys do love volleyball... I will never forget the World League finals of 2001 (Katowice). I had never seen in my life such a celebration in a gymnasium, amazing volleyball fans... The good thing about having the most important players at the same team is that they know each other very well and this makes the work in the national team much more easier, since nobody has enough time to practice.
Right in front of the referee... This guy does need glasses
Why we love volleyball 14 anos atrás +4
I haven´t seen this video before... What a great surprise... In my opinion, one of the best videos from this website... It translates exactly the feelings of someone who really loves this sport. Roninho, of course it was yours. Amazing!!!
Oh, at the end of this video I was dancing seated in my chair... How nice... It made my morning even better!!! These images are so beautiful, amazing matches of great technical level, players celebrating, people interacting... I guess that´s why I love volleyball so much, it gives me such a positive energy!!!
Guys, if you allow me , I would like to say a few words about Brazilian League . I guess things are getting better now, this season we had the return of our most important players and this fact really improved the level of the league , I mean ,the matches were spetacular. Most of the matches were broadcasted in cable TV but we had every saturday at least one match broadcasted in a free TV channel (Bandeirantes). I know this is not enough, but I hope things will be even better in the future
Renan, eu não tenho a menor ideia de como fazer videos, mas eu imagino que deve dar um trabalho danado... Eu sou uma ostra para essas coisas de computador(você deve estar rindo, né?) e também não tenho tempo, infelizmente, mas se eu pudesse, até que eu tenho umas idéias ...
Kapitain_ bomba, you understood exactly what I mean, I think one of the secrets of a successful team is to have players like Winiarski... Perhaps, he´s not going to decide the match ,but he gives the quality as a receiver and does a great job as a defender and this silent work can really make the difference
Very good Renan!!Images and music are perfect together!! It must be difficult to edit all that and I liked the idea of comparing the same team in two different seasons.I agree with Kapitain_ bomba : Trentino 08/09 is a stronger, more balanced team.
Thanks for the video, I wish I could have seen this match live, but this is impossible because ESPN never broadcasts the Italian League live.Instead, there is soccer all over the day, everything is about soccer... It makes me angry... There is a player in Cuneo, Wijmans, that I like very much, he reached a very high level playing in Italy for more than 10 years and it was his first scudetto. Nikolov is amazing, I don´t know why it took so long for him to play in Italy ( I guess it´s his second scudetto in three seasons )
Qsek, maybe Trentino was in a bad day , that happens when you decide an entire season in on day... I think is more faire to decide in three or five matches, you see, here in Brazil we have just one match too since last season and that caused big discussions...Although I think Brazilian League is strong, I don´t agree with that...
Saku, I believe you, although I don´t think it will be that easy for Brazil to beat them. Trentino, in my opinion is more than a club, is a national team, but the sad thing is that we don´t see any young italian player in the court, I mean there is no space for them, and this fact has big consequences in the Italian national team. Brazil and Poland do different, we give space to young players in our Leagues, so our national teams won´t have problems when we have to substitute our players
Oh My God !!! Ual!! What a player!!! Kurek is already one of my favorite polish players ( my favorite is Swiderski) . More than strong and tall and talented, he´s fearless in court, competitive and the most important he has a very positive leadership... This kind of behavior is essential for a professional athlete.
InivaridU , I totally agree with you,you know, this Cuban team has so much talent and it is so young, I mean, what a potencial they have!!! I must say that I really suffered during the matches againt Cuba last year.
Leandro Vissotto (3rd movie) 14 anos atrás 0
Renan, this player is more known as Thiago Alves.I think that´s why Koles is confused. I totally agree with you, he´s an execelent player, in fact, he was considered the best spiker at the end of our Superliga last saturday. Tudo de bom para você!!!
Leandro Vissotto (3rd movie) 14 anos atrás +1
Can I make another sugestion? Why dont´t you consider making a movie about Bruno Resende? He´s such a talented setter!! Think about it
Leandro Vissotto (3rd movie) 14 anos atrás +1
Ok, thanks anyway. keep up with the good videos!!!
Leandro Vissotto (3rd movie) 14 anos atrás 0
Roninho, I imagine that those videos must be very complicate to do but I would like to sugest you a new video for Giba. He´s my favorite player.
Leandro Vissotto (3rd movie) 14 anos atrás +1
I loved loved loved the video!!! Roninho, thank you very much!!! In my opinion, Vissoto is exactly where he´s supposed to be, I mean, he is Brazil´s number one for the position. In sport everything is about moment and it is his moment now. We need tall and strong players like him to keep ourselves among the best.

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