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Stalowa Wola
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4 anos atrás


What a dramma!!! Zbyszek played till the end and returned the ball to the other side with an injury.

Now Gruszka must help us. PIOTREK WE NEED YOU !!!
Why? This is sport and everything can happen ?
Hehehe ? I think RenanZ have right. We can win against USA, USA can win with Brazil, but We can't beat Brazil? We play good against Russia and Bulgaria and I don't know why ?

I think our boys don't afraid of Brazil but they don't know how to play against them.
It wasn't Nowakowski's day, but he usually play good (for example yesterday). Bartman can't score crucial and some easy points. Maybe he isn't bad, but he's not what we need. Today Brazil played their best and we weren't play good. We need more experienced team and players, who can lead the team. I hope Anastasi would presuade to Wlazły that his behaviour isn't good for National Team and for him, because we need a player like him.
Brazil - USA (SET3) 13 anos atrás 0
Exactly. Old rules ?
Brazil - USA (SET3) 13 anos atrás 0
I think game was more exciting when there wasn't a libero. It'll be better when FIVB would change this rule back. I think it would be more exciting if everyone can defend the ball including middle-blockers. And of course they would can attack from the back row like Muserskiy. Also quick ball would be more interesting ("double" quick ball, more combinations).
Unfortunately we have too much unexperienced players. We could win but it was like always is. I hope that Gruszka would help us in the final eight ?
Long rally (Germany - Russia) 13 anos atrás +2
0:22 "znowu maksymalne zatrudnienie dla naszych" wtf?
Sidao is in his good shape :)
@RenanZ This video was added on the beginning of this site, but it was deleted (probably due to block off on youtube). We know that You're with us since a long time, but some newest users heven't seen this video yet.
I've seen for 1000 times, but still it's amazing :D
Thanks a lot for accept that movie, chrison. For who heven't seen this yet: watch this exciting action and enjoy :)
Facundo Conte funny point 13 anos atrás 0
@Kk15 Probably the synchronization of sound and video isn't good. I think Samelvuo thought that someone of the blockers would dig the ball. Btw. Why Samelvuo plays as a libero?
SF Paai Kau Smash 13 anos atrás 0
Well done Josh ?

This way of playing volleyball (9 men) is very interesting, but I think the whole match isn't so attractive. Good and exciting for play from time to time.
USA- Poland 3:1

Match of errors, but both teams fighted for every ball. USA played average. In our team every player commited a lot of mistakes (except great playing Nowakowski). We had some chances to play in tie-break (a few point advantage in 4th set), but we lost them, because of our errors. It wern't Kurek's days in USA.

I hope we would win at least one match against Brazil. Go Poland, Go!!! ?
People in Poland think they're poor and in compare to Italy or Germany our GDP is low... I don't know how many players we have, but I know that many people, who want to play volleyball can't play in a professional team, because of lack of money to set up a team. We have only 4 leagues (classes). In my city (60 thousand people) there isn't any volleyball team (except school or amateur teams).

But You can be proud of Bulgarian volleyball.
He would be the best scorer if Finland wold be in final eight, but I think Kurek is on the best way for this "distinction".
Yuriy Gladyr (3rd movie) 13 anos atrás 0
Będzie miał 29 lat zanim będzie mógł dla nas grać (2 lata karencji). Na Akhrema na przykład musimy tylko rok poczekać (a wg. mnie przydałby się jako zmiennik dla Kurka). Oczywiście nie jestem za sprowadzaniem takich zawodników dla podniesienia poziomu, ale Akhrem pochodzi z Białorusi, gdzie patriotyzm ma trochę inne znaczenie, bo właściwie to państwo polityczne. Poza tym jego żona jest Polką, a on dobrze się tu czuje i chce grać dla nas, więc czemu nie?
Yuriy Gladyr (3rd movie) 13 anos atrás +1
Nie martw się niedługo będzie :P
Good match by the Polish team in defence (Ignaczak and... Żygadło) and Block (especialy Możdżonek). I hope we would win tomorrow ?

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