
Ten Times Tots Carlos Looked Incredibly Strong and Fast

Garnet Tayag 2020-06-22 • 2504 просмотров
If UST has Sisi, the UP Lady Fighting Maroons also have Tots as the team's main gunner.
Diana Mae Carlos a.k.a Tots Carlos played as the opposite hitter of the UP- Diliman collegiate varsity volleyball team Lady Fighting Maroons. She's the type of player who can and will score when needed. She's got the potential and she can be relied upon.
As soon as she ended her UAAP stint, anew role opens for Tots Carlos to fill in and that's being one of the Foton Tornadoes' 2018 rookies with her best buddy, Isa Molde.


ABS-CBN Sports and Action covers many sports events in the Philippines including Premiere Volleyball League (PVL) and UAAP. The short clips used in this video were taken from a long video recorded and produced by S+A so the copyright belongs to them. You may visit the following if you want to watch more sports videos:
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I am not in any way affiliated with the copyrights holders and subjects of the videos I published or paid to create montages. I am a fan of the sport and I create these videos for fans like me.


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