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Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
yes saku imo him and lucas played a great match! ?
Luciano De Cecco two nice actions 12 лет тому назад +1
Wow, I'm so glad he will play in italian championship the next season! Monza chosed the best setter available on the market xD
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
NXT, I would be glad to upload it but Raisport ended the trasmission with the end of the match, so no cerimony ?
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +1
JRios I would like to know what you expected from Italy if they - getting the last place in the pool - went over your aspectative xD
following your legend, from me a big + for Poland and Argentina ?
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +2
yeeeee De Ceccoooo!!
uh, he is the only one not from the podium...

BTW I agree with all this award exept Theo. I don't care what stats say, I think there are better spikers...
Luciano De Cecco two nice actions 12 лет тому назад +3
BEST SETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *.* Cause everyone that was receiving an arward was from the team on the podium for a while a was afraid he wouldn't receive the award!!
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +5
Compliments Russia!!!

Mikhaylov was outstanding *.*
I guess he will be the MVP

Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +3
A really fight final!! And very high level of volleyball!*___*

What a defense by Volkov right now!
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
"I hope that in Latina learns to play like today"

Oh, I forgot he will play in Latina! So I wish him to play great in Latina, but if possible not when Latina will play vs Rome ? (It's an old rivalities, I can't stand losing vs Latina xD)

@oioi: I was just kidding about the Anastasi-question ?, I actually didn't expect any answer ?

@Roninho: thanks?
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
What a wonderful Poland today! My compliments! Honestly I didn't expected such a great match from them, but they kept smiling and trying to keep the ball alive every action, an incredible performance!!! ?
these two days they really demontraded they deserved to be in final4, something I wasn't such before ?

Of course I felt pity for Argentina, not actually because they lost but because they didn't play with the spirit I was used too, btw this Poland really deserved so I can't avoid smiling. Also because I perfectly now what means being in the hall when your team is playing the 3rd-4th final, so I'm glad that the Polish fans was delighted by their NT and didn't have to soffer as we did at WCH last year ?

Ps: now I'm thinking: I DON'T wanna know the answer to the question "How is possible that Anastasi reach in few months with Poland what he didn't reach with Italy in 4 years?!" ehehehe ?
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
"Argentina don't look very strong, when the opponent is being strong too. "
Yes, because Brazil isn't strong =.=
Last time vs Poland they lost because they wanted to lost in your opinion, now you decided that everytime they won they did it because they were lucky or smth like this... please, don't disrispect this team.

But I keep telling: Poland is playing GREAT. I'm loving them today.
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +2
raylight, we didn't overstimated Argentina, and yesterday match proof it. But now as jernej said they just fell apart, they are not showing their best volleyball, they are playing very slowly in defense and not incisivly in attack, their communication is not working, their best players (Facu and De Cecco) aren't making the difference. It's like a deja vù to me, the same happend to Italy... It's happen, unfortunally.
btw please stop talkining about conspiracy!!!!

Poland is simply wonderful to watch today, they are keeping smiling and enjoying playing all the time, compliments, I didn't expect that level. Kurek is playing so well and so smart, Jarosz is not missing a kill and everyone is doing everything to keep the ball alive. good job!!
Luciano De Cecco two nice actions 12 лет тому назад +3
Once yesterday Bruno did a great set for Lucas (or Sidao, I don't remember), and the following action De Cecco did the same, and to me it seemed like a sentence by De Cecco "ehy, don't worry Bruno, I can do the same!" :P
Brazil - Russia 12 лет тому назад 0
I agree with RenanZ... Brazil was boring in that match, imo. And bored. Both teams let somebody rest and that is absolulty normal (actually the first place of the pool wasn't decided yet, but it wasn't so important, after all), but Brazilian players on the court didn't fight at all... I'm not saying they wanted to lose, I don't think it, absolutly not, but they didn't play with passion, and that was a pity (from neutral watcher point of view). I missed Lucas-Bruno copperation that time. I love it :D
Sergio funny reception 12 лет тому назад +1
I still don't understand why Sergio was sit on the floor xD @Nagor: I think you're right
Poland - Argentina (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +2
nice movie! It's a pleasure that you are working to make all these highlights, thanks a lot!
@Akolita: good question xD

from Volleyball.it:

RUSSIA (g.t.) - After setting the diagonal setter-opposite with Ball and Stanley Ural Ufa is taking form.
Last two incomings are to OH: from Fakel came Anton Kulikovskiy, from Kaliningrad Alexander Platonov.
Confirmed the second setter Garkushenko, the OH Botin and the MB Samoylenko.
Luciano De Cecco two nice actions 12 лет тому назад 0
I wish I would be able to!! That is the most I can do to thanks him ^^ ps: notice that the two actions were almost in a row ;)
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +2
"I wonder who could be MVP. Candidate was Khtei but he played poorly today. Maybe Mikhaylov? Or Theo?"

we discuss about it few page ago ?, I saw that after this post you suggested Conte, and I agree ?
Kurek is on the right way to won the prize as best scorer, but as MVP I would prefer Conte, is simply too wonderful to watch*.*
But imo one between Mikhaylov or Kthei deserve/can achieve an award (best spiker? or may be MVP, because the fact of playing in the final will help them? but I still prefer Conte)... So to me best scorer/best spiker/MVP should be a question between these 4 players ? (or Theo, but I prefer the others?

And what about the other awards in your opinion? ?

*checking the stats on FIVB about the final8:
- best scorer will really probably be one between Kurek88, Conte79 or Mikhalov76;
- best server will probably be Musersky...Kurek has some chance but Musersky did 10 aces with 15 faults (av 0.71), Kurek 8 with 23 (av 0,47)...
- best spikers are now in the order Theo60%, Facu56%, Mikhaylov54%, Kthei53%. Kurek is a bit far (I was surprised, honestly), 11th with 47%, but still had a chance (as Murilo, 47%)

ps: raylight you can't say that a team is a cheater because the fact they lost prevent Bulgaria to reach smth =.=
Listen Zorzi comment about Weber decision about Poland-Argentina, he called him "smart". Thinking about what happen to Parodi in meaningless match vs Trento, I'm glad that Weber let his guys rest for a bit.

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