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André Nascimento (2nd movie) 13 лет тому назад 0
"André Nascimento isn’t a real opposite hitter? Do you realize you’re talking about one of the best opposites of the last decade? Do you really know his game? Have you seen him playing with other setters? Because before playing with Ricardinho he had the same results with Maurício, and with other setters, too." Let me give you an example: you've got a three man block and a high ball set. Vissotto kills solid 6 out of 10 Andre maybe 4. He always based on his speed (hell that sounds so brazilian) but that's not only what an opposite should count on. I'm afraid that's a matter of taste, even if I tell you Vissotto is more efficient player you'll keep saying I have no point there. "I couldn’t care less if he’s not jumping around or if he doesn’t make those ridiculous facial expressions, like that pathetic Kurek does." Hate that too, still don't know if that sentence about Kurek was supposed to make me angry as I'm considered one of those "biased" polish fans? Let me make myself clear, the only player I find special in our national team is Zagumny, the most respected for his attitude and commitment is Gruszka (who would be a world class player if not dumbass people that ruined his career trying to make him an outside-hitter). The rest is just average, so then I agree, no point to expect great results from Poland as we simply have no world class players. "You probably don’t know, but Giba once said to Vissotto, “if I were as tall as you are, I’d be much more efficient than you”. Not a good one from Giba, I'll simply take that as a joke rather in a hypothetical form than a real statement.
Quick attacks in World League 2010 13 лет тому назад +2
JRios I'm afraid you hardly see Todorov playing and try to put him in your "brainless monkey" conception. If you were watching this guy carefully you would know he has a great sense of blocking and is really talented (apart from his unbelievable physical abilities).
André Nascimento (2nd movie) 13 лет тому назад -6
Nascimento is not a diagonal at all. He's just playing as a diagonal player and in fact without Ricardo he is an average quick spiker- no high ball skills to call him a real diagonal. I don't see any other reasons why you find Vissotto a bad player (or not good enough to play in the NT) than a personal matter. He's a world class spiker what he proves everytime. Brazil wouldn't beat Serbia in 2009 WL or win the Grand Champs Cup if not his great efficiency. In the past WCH he was the most efficient spiker of the semi and the final with 24 points (21/28- 75%) 19 points (16/28- 57%) leaving Dante with 16 and 8 points. Even those dry numbers can show how useful he is and you can't deny facts. He's not cool coz he's not jumping all arround celebrating every point? He doesn't seem brazilian? What the f*ck is wrong with him? Vissotto is kinda special, coz even if he's out of shape and looks like going home he always remains dangerous and valueable. I call that a "spark" for volleyball.
Quick attacks in World League 2010 13 лет тому назад +1
There's no single spike by Todorov in this movie, but you're right, he reaches freaking high. I'd say he's the highest reaching player in the world right now. Nightfox said he's been measured 383cm, what doesn't surprise me looking how high his body gets over the net.

Nice idea for a movie.
Vissotto- Sylvester Stallone king size :D
Yep, great coach, with great tactical sense, but so was Anastasi.
Brazil - Russia (Highlights) 13 лет тому назад +2
Joel I totally agree with you. For me watching volleyball with no commentary in the background (or rather foreground, because most TVs simply set their voices too loud) helps to realize even more how powerful this game is. The sound of the ball and fans is simply the most convenient for me. RenanZ Ostapenko had some serious problems with his ankle (2008) and had to undergo an operation, which was simply fucked up by the doctor, so he lost hell of shape and time. Last season after his comeback he played for Dinamo's second division, but as you can see, he he ain't back in the primary team, not mention the national team. I miss his serves :(
On the other hand Savani's one of the best servers in the world.
Ricardo Garcia (2nd movie) 13 лет тому назад 0
Roninho I agree, Tichacek was the best setter of the WCH 2010 overall.
Ricardo Garcia (2nd movie) 13 лет тому назад 0
Ricardo- the best one Zagumny- behind Ricardinho, but still genious Ball- the same like Zagumny, but much stronger physically and probably "cleanest" setting player in the world Grbic- legendary player, very precise, but quite predictable Depestele- the quickest/craziest/unpredictable setting
Trentino Volley in season 2010/2011 13 лет тому назад 0
That's how they knocked Roeselare in the last edition. They secured reception with Herpe while Kaziyski was diagonal and played very well on the right side.
Trentino is playing their match at 20:00.
Delecta made 19 blocks (9 by their middle player- Wrona).
Serie A - 8th round 13 лет тому назад 0
Rai Sport 2 (kanał 160), niestety nastąpiła mała zmyłka, bo włoska telewizja niespodziewanie przełożyła mecz na drugi kanał, na pierwszym puszczają narty.
Serie A - 8th round 13 лет тому назад 0
No i tie-break, chyba najlepszy mecz w tym sezonie póki co. Niesamowite zagrania z obu stron, choć w końcówce seta wkradło się parę błędów zagrywki.
Serie A - 8th round 13 лет тому назад 0
Nie, Trento będzie można zobaczyć w meczu 9 kolejki z Veroną, a następnie 11 z Treviso i ostatniej 13 z Cuneo. Póki co Rai pokazywało ich jeden mecz z Coprą 3 Listopada (odrobiona 10 kolejka w związku z klubowymi mistrzostwami).

Btw emocjonujący mecz w Modenie właśnie się toczy.
Clayton Stanley vs Russia (7 aces) 13 лет тому назад +1
Fajny to był meczyk, bardzo dramatyczny. Stanley miał wtedy bardzo ciężko w ataku, ale jak zwykle w zagrywce kapitalnie.
Chrison czy rekord historii to nie wiem, na pewno od sezonu 89/90 nikt więcej nie punktował. A co do samej zagrywki to dobrze kombinujesz, najbardziej miarodajny i sprawiedliwy jest przelicznik asów na set (dlatego też obecnie jest jedynym kryterium przydzielania nagród indywidualnych dla najlepiej zagrywających). Problem tkwi w tym, że w lidze Włoskiej statystyki prowadzi się od ponad 20 lat, podczas gdy w naszej lidze od 2... A co do Ganeva, to najciekawszy jest fakt, że te 108 asów zaserwował w sezonie zasadniczym, mimo, że jego drużyna weszła do play-off. Musiał być wtedy kontuzjowany, ponieważ inne statystyki też się urywają. Jego zespół rozegrał 100 setów w sezonie zasadniczym, nie biorąc nawet pod uwagę tego, że Ganev mógł nie grać we wszystkich setach to przelicznik 1.08 asa/set (a zapewne jeszcze większy) w 26 kolejkach to jest kosmos.
Personally I don't have anything against, but this forced me to ask:

What about all the people in critical life situation waiting for a citizenship for years?

That's quite unfair from that point of view, but Aleh has nothing to do with that, that's just a matter of our sick politics.
Clayton Stanley (4th movie) 13 лет тому назад +1
vtnklmdc pamiętam tą sytuację :D Przy okazji mi się przypomniało: "Rich, góra!". Rzeczywiście coś w tym jest, że go szybko zrzucał, i to niekoniecznie tylko w tych momentach, kiedy Stanley był pod formą.

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