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4 лет тому назад


I'm surprised. Yordanow certainly had a better offer. I was hoping that I'll see him in Poland.
Ok but the link to Twitter you can send.
This can give you a link to the Twitter? Is it so difficult?
Mariusz Wlazły big headshot 13 лет тому назад 0
Oli4 - if I remember well it was the first point in the match.
Mariusz Wlazły (7th movie) 13 лет тому назад 0
I do not know. He is due to the weight of the body very jump. With such a jump he's got a knee injury. Too late to experiment. Let it heal, to be able to play throughout the season.
Mariusz Wlazły (7th movie) 13 лет тому назад +3
He is slightly built, slim, so he is often injured. You see how it is built Kaziyski. Kaziyski is indestructible, he can play 100 games in a season. Wlazly has only 75kg and this is his problem.
Mariusz Wlazły (7th movie) 13 лет тому назад +3
In my opinion, one of the best in the world. It is a pity that in NT does not show what the Champions League and PlusLiga. He is slim and has a lot of injuries. It is a pity because Poland needs an attacker. I think the 7 movie about Wlazly is sufficient: P
You calm down, man. You give a lot of transfers, but never with a source! Source please! Is it difficult?
I see that only Leeon understood my previous post about transfers?)
I have for you a lot of new transfers. You do not ask from what source. Soon you about these transfers, you'll know.

Dante Amaral, Marlon, Riad --> RJX Rio de Janeiro
Lukas Tichacek --> Resovia Rzeszów
Romain Vadeleux --> Rennes Volley 35
Sergey Tetyukhin --> Lokomotiv Belgorod
Dragan Travica --> Lube Banca Macerata
Valerio Vermiglio --> Zenit Kazan

and latest

Matej Cernic --> Vibo Valentia
Piotr Gruszka --> Marcegaglia Ravenna

Thank you for your attention. You can count on me.
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 13 лет тому назад +1
I agree with Zyta. Klos is much better than Kosok in the attack. The block is on an equal level. Polish team really has a weak middle. Are good Wisniewski, Nowakowski, Kadziewicz, Plinski. The rest of the players is poor. Few Polish MB serves hard and I can not understand it.
Xavier Kapfer 13 лет тому назад 0
W akcji zaczynającej się od 2:54 jest mała ściema :D Ciekawe czy ktoś też to zauważył ?
a dokładnie ?
Netherlands - Brazil (SET4, 5) 13 лет тому назад +2
Nie wydaję mi się. Ten film to zlepek innych filmów na stronie. Na żywca powycinane. Ogólnie dziwny z Ciebie koleś. Masz na youtubie 30 filmów a chyba żaden nie jest od początku do konca przez Ciebie zrobiony.
Congratulations for Bulgaria. Bulgarian volleyball is getting better. Unfortunately, the Poles were missing a few points.
But I was not surprised. With such an attacker (Milosz Hebda), we can not win. Yesterday in France he scored the 6 points and the match lasted for five sets!

Well that women will go for the championship.
Volleyball parody: Brazil - Bulgaria 13 лет тому назад +3
Interesting nickname. Maybe you're old HenriqueCLT:D
Best server in the world 13 лет тому назад +1
Regularity - Juantorrena
Strength - Stanley

Very hard to write who serves best.
Hahahaha. You're funny?) Poland League is 4 in the world. We lack even to Russia, Brazil and Italy. Please do not write such nonsense. Why are you writing? Is this the place for it?
Artur Augustyn (2nd movie) 13 лет тому назад +1
If he was good he would play in a better club. In the moie, all the players are good.

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