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4 лет тому назад


Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
Incredible!!! We've just done it.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
I know one thing: Ignaczak would be the best libero of this ECH ?
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
1. I disagree with You. I play some sports (of course volleyball too) and even if adrenaline is high I always plead to guilty

2. I agree with You. Nothing else to add ?
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +2
I don't judge, because I don't know what is true. But one thing after all: If I would be Nikić and if I would touch the ball I'd can't live with it. I would can't stand, that succes of my team and for Serbia fans was based on referees mistake. I would just plead to touch.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
Congratulations for Serbia.

I've watched the replay for 20 times from different angles
It's very hard to say if it was a touch or not. From the first camera it looks like the trajectory of the spike was changed, but from a different angle I can't notice any shake of muscles of the blocker so it looks like there wasn't a touch.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +1
Congratulations. You controlled the game. We didn't played bad, but it wasn't day of Kurek. It made a difference and we weren't be able to win.

I hope You win in the final. I won't say arrivederci, but I say: FORZA RAGAZZI !!!
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +1
Unfortunately Kurek has a bad day, and "our" player (Łasko) is killing us. Unexpected good play by Jarosz.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад -1
Not bad, but not good...
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
Bookakers odd: Italy 1.4- Poland 2.7
So chanses: 70 to 30 for Italy

I would say that the chances are 60 to 40 for Italy, but as always I count for Poland and after the match I want to say: "Arrivederci Ragazzi" ?
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
Why are you so pesimistic? I guess that Itaaly would have veeery hard task.
We have Kubiak instead of Bąkiewicz, Igła is in great form, Możdżonek started to attack, Kurek is more stable then before (reception, service). But I think that Wlazły would be the most needed player now.
Theo Lopes 12 лет тому назад +2
I think I can read in your mind: "Andreea Banica feat Dony - Samba" :)
EuroVolley 2011 - Quarter-finals 12 лет тому назад +1
I go to play volley ? so I won't watch the game. But I'll have my fingers crossed for Bulgaria.
EuroVolley 2011 - Quarter-finals 12 лет тому назад 0
First set won, but it would be taugh match for Bulgaria ?
Bernardinho and the bottle of water 12 лет тому назад +1
@RenanZ It can be understood only in Italy By the way- the soundtrack rules :D
EuroVolley 2011 - Quarter-finals 12 лет тому назад 0
So we can play with Russia/Bulgaria in the semi-final or the pairs would be mixed?
EuroVolley 2011 - Play-off's 12 лет тому назад +2
We aren't volleyball giants, but we are volleyball FIGHTERS and I'm proud of it !!!
EuroVolley 2011 - Play-off's 12 лет тому назад +2

ulalala what a set. Big mistake by Judge in share with Kurek defense.

As Chrison said- it wasn't mistake. Zygadlo unfortunately crossed a middle line. But it was incredible action and our team felt it. They struggle with not bad playing Czechs and they made something outstanding!!!
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 лет тому назад 0
I know what happened to Jarosz. Maybe I'm not professional player, but I had the same 2 years ago. I don't know why, but I couldn't "find" a good timing in attack. It lasted a few months. I just couldn't attack well. Then it was up and i went back into my normal shape. I think he needed a rest then a play and I think, that in this form he is not useful player.
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 лет тому назад 0
Playing for lose and don't care about the result is a difference. A year ago Brazil made a parody, but we played with a second team and they didn't managed with first team of Slovakia.

I'm not happy with this decision- it's not fair play at all, but I can compare it to another situation:
Brazil, a year ago was like cheating and shouting at referee
Poland, this year was like don't plead to touch of the ball in the block ?

You know what I mean?
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 лет тому назад +1
I thought, that google translated a nonsense, but it wasn't coincidence...

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