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1 год тому назад


Huge transfer, Tine Urnaut back from China to Milano!

The reason is quite bizzare. He was negative on all the coronavirus test, but the blood analysis showed that he has the antibodies for corona. This is the reason that he wouldn't be able to get the working visa. Both sides (the club and Urnaut) mutually agreed on breaking the contract.

It's interesting that Milano has acquired Urnaut, because they already have players of high quality (Ishikawa, Maar even Bašić). But probably they will try to tactically fill in the gap due to Patry's injury.

Allianz Milano - Gas Sales Piacenza (highlights) 3 лет тому назад +2

What happened? Piacenza so good or Milano so bad? To me it looks like Milano had a pretty shitty game - confusion and bad decisions. Btw I love how Milano runs the pipe - really really really a lot (in this highlight reel all the attacks that Milano finishes in the 3rd set are from the pipe haha).

How was LUBE Civitanova defeated by Vibo Valentia?! 3 лет тому назад +2

Very nice video! Good analysis. Lube was not agressive enough that time.

Rok Možič vs SK Zadruga Aich/Dob 3 лет тому назад +1

@Bruno23 Yes, he really is a good attacker. And he has even improved his game this season. He is a game-winning player.

Seyed officially in Piacenza. Will he be the change needed for winning?

It's a very much different situation if the reception is !, which is on 6th, 7th metre, so out-of-system ball. There's not so much tactics involved, it depends more on the attacker, what he will do with the high ball - whether he will try to finish the ball (finding the block out, touch / tipping or rolling the ball over the block / trying to find the hole in the block) or he will try to recycle the ball and get a new option in system for his team.

I thought that's what this video was about - because of the title “when the reception is not good”. Nice video though, @VolleyballExplained  :)

I think that reception on the 3rd metre line is still acceptable. As Prandi said, it depends on how much you train situations like this. And top level setters and teams (who train a lot of situations like this) don't have a problem with that type of reception. As seen in the video the setter has got all the possibilities - 1st tempo, pipe, zones 4 and 2, and top level teams play very fast in such situations (De Cecco, Christenson, Bruno etc.).

That's a very nice news. Alekno has showed his quality in the past and will for sure show it in the future too. Though I guess there was a lot of money involved to get him to join Iranian NT.

I wonder what can he bring to the team…besides his terrifying and respected presence.

Cucine Lube Civitanova - Vibo-Valentia (highlights) 3 лет тому назад +2

@Sherlock They are such a pleasant surprise! Saitta is giving much to the team too! It's interesting to see Chinenyeze having more points than the opposite - he is quite a contributor in attack.

According to a local newspaper Alen Šket is training with Maribor team in Slovenia. He is about to find a new club (in few days) and will pack his bags very soon. 

The author also stated that there is a possibility of him staying in Slovenia - to play for club in Maribor (together with Možič, Ikhbayri and Kisiliuk), but I don't think that's possible, he will find another option, probably. Though I have to say I would be very pleased to see him strengthen Maribor - with him, Možič and Ahmed they would almost be very dangerous in the fight for the title.

@MatheusAndrade There are rumours about Ghafour but also about Arpad Baroti and some danish youngster. 

You mentioned Gasparini..he has a good contract in Calcit, in Slovenia and he moved back home with his family, so I doubt he would accept the offer. Besides, he is aging and soon won't be on the level for the starting opposite in Italian superlega anymore.

That's sad. It's just this season though and he sure will get a lot of money in Qatar… Next year he will find a club in the highest level again for sure.

What was the exact reason for breaking up the contract?

@Sherlock Yep. And it's soooo good having Mikhaylov back on the opposite. 

Ngapeth has a lot more freedom if he doesn't have to be the best scorer (with bartosz and maxim). He can give a lot more attention to other stuff, not just attack. Last year he had to do a lot more of scoring withMikhaylov struggling.

@Sherlock Yeah, and I would say he is a better option in attack than Ngapeth even. He always finds an angle, and he is quite a bombarder. And to me he seems like a very calm player and a very mentally stable one, too.

I love how he developed. Not being on the Polish NT for the past years in the major competitions and being a bench player for the first year in Modena to evolving to one of the best players in Italian league (and now Russian). He really stepped up his game last year in Modena and it was a very good move by Zenit to acquire him. He is capable of helping Zenit conquer champions league again. And I would say he will be on the polish NT from now on for sure.

@Sherlock Well obviously it won't be hard for a prolific scorer like him to find a new club.

But Kaziyski is still superior in the attack than Jaeschke and Asparuh.. They could keep him on the outside and just make a combination that he will attack from zone 1 when he is in the back row. But I don't think there's anything to be worried about, it's Radostin Stoytchev as a coach, he will have things sorted out.

@Sherlock What a news! :o Looks like he is a difficult person to manage, due to history of his conflicts (Ngapeth and France NT, now Verona…). 

I wonder where they will acquire new opposite, maybe chinese league when they finish..? Till then they could play Kaziyski on the opposite and Jaeschke & Asparuh on the outside hitter. What other possibilities do they have?

Leo Shoes Modena - Gas Sales Piacenza (highlights) 3 лет тому назад +3

@MagicVolley Why would be that a good decision? To put Antonov instead of Grozer? :o Interesting. I will do a bit of research about this.

Leo Shoes Modena - Gas Sales Piacenza (highlights) 3 лет тому назад +4

Karlitzek killing it. Speaking of Germans, where was Grozer? Injured?

@VolleyTurco He was already replaced by Abrahan Gavilan, from Cuba. He was in his very best form in Turkey, when playing in Fenerbahce and in Halkbank. I wonder where will he continue.

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