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Bartosz Kurek (7th movie) 11 лет тому назад +6
it would be bad for our NT if Bartek stayed in Skra. I'm so happy he decided to change surroundings.
Skra Bełchatów 2012/13 team presentation 11 лет тому назад 0
"Smack my bitch up" plays in the background. I mean... is this for real?! :D
Łukasz Żygadło in match Trentino - Macerata 11 лет тому назад 0
He's a good setter. Not an artist, but valuable player for sure. It's a shame he's extremely underestimated in Poland.
there's this video somewhere on the net, a bunch of our sports journalists and former players are watching Poland - Argentina (World Cup 2011). suddenly they catch a glimpse of Swędrowski sitting at the very top of the arena and they start laughing. he was probably the ONLY commentator at that game.
@Sllaveq: yup. he's everywhere :P Swędro is very close to the team, I'm guessing that's why he's always so emotional.
Poland in The Olympics 2012 (2nd movie) 11 лет тому назад +4
I love our guys. Seriously, I do. But when I see the title, all I can think of is: "geez, again?". Can't help it. Gotta stop moping around and forget about the damn Olympics already. Too many awesome things to come!
dwa lata temu dostał polskie obywatelstwo, ale to miało związek z jego grą w Resovii (ominięcie limitu obcokrajowców na boisku). samo obywatelstwo nie wystarczy, jeśli wcześniej zawodnik występował w kadrze innego kraju. są procedury do przejścia w FIVB czy jakimś innym CEV i podejrzewam, że najzwyczajniej w świecie związek mu w tym nie "pomógł". chociaż też wcale nie uważam, by akurat Achrem był nam niezbędny.

@Joachim7: he wanted to go to the Olympics with our NT, but I guess AA & our federation didn't feel like they needed him that much.
jeśli brać pod uwagę względy czysto sportowe, to gdyby sobie wywalczył miejsce - czemu nie. tyle, że on od początku nie ukrywał, iż chodzi przede wszystkim o możliwość występu w igrzyskach olimpijskich i mistrzostwach świata (z kadrą Białorusi nie miałby na to szans). a to już trochę mi się kłóci z wizerunkiem naszego reprezentanta.
raczej nie może. podobno PZPS w ogóle nie złożył odpowiedniej aplikacji, a dopiero od tego momentu obowiązują 2 lata karencji za zmianę reprezentacji narodowej.
Poland - Italy 3-2 ? what a game. it was already 0-2 for Italy, but we won. tie-break 15:6!
Golden boys - Poland after World League 2012 [TVN24] 11 лет тому назад +6
0:05 We've got the cup! 0:08 The moment of winning World League by the eyes of Krzysztof Ignaczak. Some unique images, unpublished anywhere else. 0:24 This is one of the many videos made by Polish libero for the purpose of his blog, "Igłą szyte". Poland's national team... behind the scenes. 0:41 A reindeer! 0:42 Just look at this stud. 0:45 But that's Sylvester Stallone! No doubt! 0:48 Brzęczyszczykiewicz. 0:49 Shtshekievitsh. 0:50 Yes, exactly. 0:53 He's everywhere. He likes to talk a lot, do a lot. That's why I'm not surprised the blog was his idea. 1:01 At first his camera bugged us a little, but now we're trying to take part in all this, so that the blog remains as popular as it is. And later it's a cool reminder of all our journeys. 1:17 And it's okay. 1:20 We're taking Sao Paulo! 1:24 This blog is my baby. 1:26 And he wasn't supposed to sleep. 1:34 We have some schemes we must later perform on court and at practice we do them billions of times. 1:43 Ignaczak's blog is not only the story of team's victories, but also their hard, everyday work. These last days of heavy training our players have spent in the tiny town of Sulechów. This is where, accompanied by supporters, they perfected their olympic form. 1:58 They'll go out, we'll hug them, then maybe some photos, autographs. 2:04 Because that is an extraordinary experience to meet these famous Polish volleyballers. 2:08 Especially extraordinary for these young players from Sulechów. That's where their idol, Łukasz Żygadło - Poland's first setter - was born and started his career. 2:20 What is so cool about him? 2:22 Everything! 2:23 But anything in particular? 2:24 No. Everything. He's all perfect. 2:26 "ŁUKASZ, MARRY ME!" 2:28 And not only enamoured fans claim that he is. That's Łukasz's first coach, Mieczysław Puchalski. He's the one who discovered volleyball skills in a primary school student. 2:38 This kid just came running through the hall and he immediately caught my attention. It was obvious that he has talent and a possibly great future ahead of him. 2:51 His coach didn't doubt that one day young Łukasz will return to Sulechów as a great player. 2:58 Thank you. And a photo, please. 3:00 One more signature? 3:01 Yes! 3:03 I grew up here, lived here up until I was 15. Old times, but very pleasant. 3:09 Even though Łukasz came back to his hometown only for a short moment, if it wasn't for the team magager, he would have stayed much longer. 3:17 Coach will kill me! 3:22 Warm greeting by the supporters is a nice break from all the monotony of olympic preparations. 3:35 Every day is planned to a tee. Gym training, volleyball practice and game analysis are intertwined with short food and rest breaks at the hotel. 3:46 The pressure was there, is there and will be there for sure. We need to know how to deal with it. And in our team everyone has their own ways of handling the pressure. 3:54 What are these ways? 3:56 That I cannot say. 3:59 What team captain doesn't want to share, we can hear in the hotel corridoor, near Bartosz Kurek's room. 4:14 Besides, as we may learn from Krzysztof Ignaczak's blog, our team is exceptionally talented when it comes to music skills. 4:45 A group of people that understand each other easily, with very colourful characters and great sense of humour. 4:51 It's just a matter of the right moment. No one writes any scripts for us, that's just who we are. 4:59 Sometimes it is not easy, like after two weeks of constant spending time together it is hard to just pick up the camera and record... well, anything. They start chasing me away. 5:09 Don't run from me, I already got it. I got you! 5:12 Erase that. 5:14 Krzysiu, please. Okay? 5:16 Man, watch out! 5:26 Even though the main cameraman is the libero, everyone gets to have their say in the final effect. 5:31 Krzysztof walks around with his camera or phone and records anything he can, and later some things must be censored since they are not suitable for publishing. 5:42 The material needs to be cut because we're no saints. 5:46 Fortunately for the supporters, no one will censor the team's happiness after their victory. 5:53 The first olympic match starts in just a few days. One thing we may be sure of - no matter the score, we'll read about it on the blog.
I'll translate, but just a bit later in the day.
Nothing new about Aleksiev in Poland, there were some rumours but it's all quiet now. Plus, I've heard the source of this info is not at all reliable. Shame, would love to see him in PlusLiga.
'Igłą szyte' (Venezuela) - part 2 11 лет тому назад 0
0:07 If any of you ever wants to set up a pet shop. The lizards are just walking around. There's one. And another one is peeking out. They're sitting there, basking their skin in the sun. 0:28 Some players hanging out after the game. Bartek, MVP of the match... almost. 0:34 No, no, the MVP sits on my left. 0:36 Grzegorz, how was it to play in oversized shoes? 0:38 By three sizes. 0:39 By four sizes! 0:41 They were four sizes too big, because Marcel has two pairs. Unfortunately he left one pair in my room. And I took mine outside to dry. And while they were drying, I put on Marcel's shoes by mistake. And they were exactly 49 and 1/3. While my size is 45. 1:00 God bless you for playing in oversized shoes. 1:02 Thank you. 1:03 Magneto, he'll star in the next sequel of Organix, X-Men. The man ate a lot of magnesium today. 1:13 And that's how we're living. 1:18 There's Apollo. Apollo, you Greek god! Wave! 1:25 Check out Daniel's pants! Daniel! 1:36 More of us are coming to celebrate. Gladiators. 1:44 A Polish lesson. Grze-gorz Brzę-czy-szczy-kie-wicz. 1:56 Perfect. That was the first lesson. 2:00 You want another one? 2:01 Król Karol kupił królowej Karolinie korale koloru koralowego. 2:18 Yes, yes, go! Michael Phelps! 2:25 World record in doggy paddle. 2:28 Bring it on. 2:37 Beautiful! 2:38 And straight legs? 2:40 Can't do that with my legs straight, they're too thick. 2:45 Woicki, Woicki! 2:52 Ignaczak! 3:00 This tiny thing is gonna take us to Europe. 3:07 Let's hope it lands. 3:09 They always land somehow. 3:14 How do you turn on the TV? 3:17 It doesn't work? Must be broken. 3:24 What seat do you have? 3:25 A nice one, down there. 3:27 And that's for all the viewers to know how Bartek K. sacrifices himself. Bartek, also known as siurak (siurak = an anagram for Bartek's nickname 'Kuraś', but also: wee-wee, weenie) 3:36 You probably can't see anything. 3:39 Yes, they can. They can see it all. 3:44 Just for the record. The leg is not rotten, it is swollen. 3:49 It looks as if it was about to be amputated. But it should be okay. 3:56 He's a tough guy. 3:58 Sport is health. I recommend. 4:00 Are you satisfied with the flight? 4:01 I'm content. 4:02 You look quite well after 9 hours. 4:04 I feel very good, yes. 4:07 Is the worst part over? 4:10 There's still a short flight ahead of us, but we'll make it. 4:14 Grzegorz. 4:16 Magneto! How did you sleep? 4:19 Very well. I slept through the whole flight. 4:22 We're trying on some sunglasses. 4:29 These are good! 4:31 We've found the best model. 4:35 They suit me more. Very economical. 4:40 Grzesiu, these are better! The red ones over there. 4:51 They are not half as funny, because they cost 143 euros. 4:56 That is so awesome. You're like The Human Fly. 5:02 Have you bought any? 5:05 Not yet, we're having some problems with my card. 5:09 Not enough cash. 5:11 But I can show you. 5:14 Now you may as well give your phone number. For all the brunettes. 5:27 Are you taking these? 5:31 I can't, I've bought some Mentos on sale and now I have no money. 5:35 And maybe I'll buy these. Stylish. 5:41 Our friends are eating some breakfast, breakfast in the morning. 5:47 Marcin! 5:51 Magneto and Apollo. 6:01 And there's Cichy (= Silent) Pit. 6:05 Cookies! Strawberry cookies. And whipped cream. Wonder diet. Omelettes, wonder diet, cake. 6:21 We're gonna be home at 9:35. 6:25 Eagle (Michał Ruciak), what's your seat? 6:27 11D 6:28 Not so good. 6:33 Farewell to Paris. 6:35 We're going back to Poland, finally! 6:45 Chra-bąszcz 6:48 The film about Venezuela starred: 6:50 Zbychu 6:52 Wojciech 6:53 Olek 6:58 Bąku 6:59 Coward 7:00 Magneto 7:01 Silent Pit 7:04 Eagle 7:05 Doctor Zaytsev 7:06 Watch us! 7:07 Baboon 7:10 Gregor 7:12 Apollo 7:15 Oskar, also known as The Spy 7:19 And sunburnt me.
"How winners are made" 11 лет тому назад 0
@miroslavflain: two songs - "Hope" and "Path", both by Apocalyptica.
"How winners are made" 11 лет тому назад 0
@Rachel: Chillax, no one's offending anyone (at least I hope that was not the author's intention!). The only reason for any "animosity" towards Brazilian players is the fact that they were the only team we didn't know how to win with. Since, like, 2002. We finally did it this year and believe me, this was a HUGE deal ;) So I guess that's more of a compliment then. Awesome video, soothes my pain after the Olympics for sure. And Apocalyptica in the background! Haven't heard them for ages.
Just for the record. I have no idea who said that we're the "new Brazil", but I wouldn't have made such a statement even before the OG. We weren't winning everything - we had some 3rd places, 2nd places. But we were consequently making our way to the top. The progress we've made throughout last year is massive. Our team is not weak, it is not mediocre. Something didn't go right in London, that's obvious. Besides, in my opinion the whole men's tournament, up until the final match of course, was pretty poor sports-wise. Remember - rankings don't play, people do. And I believe that with these guys we still have good chances to dominate the scene and to be on top. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
I used to run into Pawel Zagumny quite regularly, all back in the day when he played for AZS Olsztyn. Saw him many times on many different occasions, we even went to the same concerts ?
'Igłą szyte' (Venezuela) - part 1 11 лет тому назад +3
0:01 Another journey ahead of us. This time, after a not-so-successful trip to Brazil we're going to Caracas, Venezuela and we'll play some matches there. Right now it's 10:30, we've left our hotel at 7, it's already a 3-hour trip, we're supposed to land at 6:55 local time. So we must travel some more. 0:37 No one's too eager to go. 0:42 And so we're here, Venezuela. Unfortunately, our journey wasn't a good one, too little space on the plane, so most of us are quite ruined. And they can barely walk. 1:04 What's your first impression? 1:05 Chaos. 1:06 Is it your first time here? 1:08 Yeah, first time. First time ever in such chaos. 1:13 It's not Laos, it's Venezuela! 1:16 Aerobic training in a pool. They're letting the water in. Or maybe it's already on max level? And there's the police, record these gentlemen. Some soldiers that escorted us. 1:37 Fabio and Oskar, our spies, they surveil the enemy. They do some detailed analyses of the opponent's play. That's their burrow, where they work. Let's check out their their view. Ah, not interesting. 2:04 Spała (our guys' training center) has better. 2:05 No doubt about it. So we'll have all the materials we need about Venezuela and we'll be prepared tactically. Goodbye gentlemen, provide us with some good info. 2:21 See ya. 2:22 Another day, we're heading to practice. In a moment you'll see how we drive. We're being escorted by a group of soldiers or police officers on motorbikes, they're doing a pretty good job. At the same time we're able to admire some of the landscape, Venezuelan streets. 2:56 As we all know, Caracas is one of the most dangerous places on earth. They've told us that we cannot leave our hotel without an escort of the local police. They are very helpful at any moment. Our crew consists of about 15 motorized, plus an ambulance behind, and in front of us - some soldiers who are our escort. 3:39 That's the hall we're going to play in. This is a new object, newly built. 3:55 Another day goes by as usual. 3:59 We're ordering in Spanish! I know a good word, it sounds exactly like cake, but means something completely different. 4:13 What does it mean? 4:16 You know exactly what it means! 4:22 Maybe you'll explain it to the viewers then! 4:26 A pre-match interview with Bartek, unfortunately you'll have to bend down a bit so that people can see you. Bartek, how do you feel before the game with Venezuela? 4:35 Me? I think it will be very tough, but we'll do it! 4:40 Is there any sign of your injury left? 4:42 There's a trace, but there's no pain, so I can play today. 4:46 The ankle is protected, our medics did their job, here's the doctor who looks after Bartek, and the rest of the gang, but I have no idea where they went. 5:00 So, are we going to win this? 5:02 Yes. Yeah, we're gonna win! We have to! 5:06 Now that's the kind of attitude I like. 5:08 Kuba! Zbyszek has already told us about his preferences when it comes to girls. Care to share yours? 5:20 I completely agree with Zbyszek. 5:23 So brunettes? 5:24 I choose what he chose. We've talked about this, and I agree! 5:29 So the information is: all brunetes, here's a phone number: 695 100... 5:33 No, I like all the ladies. 5:38 And we showed them their place. 5:40 We showed them what's what! 5:44 That's our job. Now we live some life. There's life outside the hall. 5:50 In a minute I'm gonna jump in right there. 5:54 Michal, show us your daddy pants! 5:58 And now you'll see what is the cameraman up to when he's not recording. And this will surely be an extraordinary view. 6:14 Fat ass. 6:16 More and more of us are coming. The whole medical staff is here. Aleksander, more known as 'The Executor' Bielecki. Igła has his fans even in Venezuela. Ladies and gents, here's Vin Diesel who came to Venezuela straight from his latest set, "The Fast and the Furious 48". 6:52 Dear viewers, a water-jump contest is about to begin. The first contestant. Eh, no no no. Low marks for style. 7:04 Woah, heavy artillery. 7:04 Did you catch that? 7:10 And now The Grey... no. Woah! 7:15 And last but not least, The Grey Superman! 7:17 And me! 7:19 Make place! 7:21 Come on, Superman, come on! 7:25 Landed flat on his stomach. 7:29 And here's MVP of yesterday's match. 7:37 And the last one will be the cameraman. I just need to set the camera. 7:47 Everyone jumps, me too. Watch that!

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