Обо мне

I am a strength and conditioning coach who graduated with an MS in Strength and Conditioning in the USA. I was the S&C coach for the Men's Volleyball team at Springfield College working with Coach Charlie Sullivan. Before my experience in the USA, I was a Women's Volleyball coach in Italy.

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2 дней тому назад


English Полное профессиональное владение
Italian Владение родным или двуязычным языком
Spanish Элементарное владение

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Lorenzo Pelloni
4 недель тому назад
Lorenzo Pelloni
4 недель тому назад
signed up in Volleybox.net

Hi everyone! I am looking for a team where I can serve as a Performance/Strength and Conditioning Coach, Assistant Coach if needed, or Coach for the younger sector. I hold an MS in Strength and Conditioning from the US, where I wor... Показать больше

2024-06-29 1 145 138 1 мин чтения
Lorenzo Pelloni2 дней тому назад 138 1

Hi everyone! I am looking for a team where I can serve as a Performance/Strength and Conditioning Coach, Assistant Coach if needed, or Coach for the younger sector. I hold an MS in Strength and Conditioning from the US, where I wor... Показать больше

2024-06-29 0 130 129 1 мин чтения
Lorenzo Pelloni2 дней тому назад 129 0