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Politechnika Rzeszowska (Technical University of Rzeszów)
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7 лет тому назад


where is Rolando Cepeda and why Simon and Leal can't stil play in NT?!
Antonin Rouzier block 12 лет тому назад +1
niezwykły blok w niezwykle ważnym momencie. komentator mówi, że Michajłow od Rozuziera jest wyższy o głowę - głupota, Maksim ma max. 5 cm więcej od Antonina
Brazil - Russia (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад 0
Michał Kubiak writes, that he is JW player!
that means, that they've got good team!
World League 2011 Final Eight Highlights (3rd movie) 12 лет тому назад +2
what you think about Lucas? i don't like him, but he is definietly one of the best now... if we adding stars, we could also add Khtey, Leon, Lucas, De Cecco... there was a lot of great players in Gdańsk, who was playing on high level. but Mikhaylov and Kurek were the best from them all!
Giba and Bruno Rezende in match Cimed - RJX 12 лет тому назад 0
could somebody wirte how looks starting six of RJX? they are strongest team now in Brazil, aren't they? and how is this possible that when every national teams making work to have medals in continental championships 2 brazilian teams playing match? did Bernardo Rezende agree for that or something?
kristoff, i don't think so that Bartman is better opposite than Michał Łasko
nobody, what are you talking about? he'll play in Monza
does anybody knows where i can watch WL 2009 Final(Serbia - Brazil 2:3)?
what with Łuka, Gromadowski, Antiga, Bazin? they still haven't got clubs
nie lepiej przerzucić wszystko na vimeo? tam nie będzie problemów, a szkoda, żeby twoja czy innych długa praca przepadała na marne...
berny, we know that for few months... people, before you'll write some transfer just look on these transfers and check it?
nobody knows, who will be second setter in JW?
World Championship 2010 Highlights (5th movie) 12 лет тому назад 0
i gave 5, for me movie, like all your movies, vtnklmdc this also is great, but: - it is fifth video about WCH 2010 - you used this song 2 times before so maybe that's why other people didn't gave you 5? don't worry, you are one of the best and i respect that all you movie makers spends a lot of time to do great viedo;)
World Championship 2010 Highlights (5th movie) 12 лет тому назад 0
original is Paul Van Dyk - For An Angel but this is some remix, better ask vtnklmdc;p
World Championship 2010 Highlights (5th movie) 12 лет тому назад 0
chrison, w opisie jest WOPRLD zamiast WORLD, popraw;p
freedom, nobody knows who will also setting in JW so we don't know if Brian will be 1st or 2nd setter?
Russia in World League 2011 12 лет тому назад +1
you've made that on your own or it is from any TV station?;p
World Championship 2010 Highlights (5th movie) 12 лет тому назад 0
a lot of wonderful spikes!
i'm sure that Łukasz will find good club, in Plusliga ofcourse
Luciano De Cecco 12 лет тому назад 0
didn't he play in Drean Bolivar in last season? i think there is a mistake on wikipedia
hey, don't you know if N'Gapeth will play in 1st six in Cuneo? probably with Wijsmans, yes?

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