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Best servers in The Olympics 2012 11 лет тому назад -2
Best servers in The Olympics 2012 11 лет тому назад -2
Kapitan Bomba, our team doesn't play motivated vs weaker teams, they play their best vs the strongest
Best blocker in the world 11 лет тому назад 0
Best blocking team in the world since 2009 is Bulgaria /although should be Russia, but they don't use their potential/
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 лет тому назад 0
2008 USA in World League, we beat them 3 out of 4 times with our second squad, 2011 Russia WL only we beat them, WCH 2010 we beat Brazil, WL 2006 and 2007 final rounds only we beat Brazil and so on and so on
He is your second best :) Jarosz is reliable as him, but more powerful I think
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 лет тому назад 0
I was surprised by Bratoev and by our defense in general, so were Poland I guess ?

This match proves that Poland is favorite for the podium, we always win vs the future champion in the preliminary stages
Your best server in NT
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 лет тому назад 0
Let's pray for high quality volleyball and to have all matches uploaded here ? And let everyone play to win, it is Olympic Games ?
Bulgarian fans in World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад 0
We always play to win NXT, no matter first or second team. Under Stoychev we played with first team against Germany. Our federation is destroying volleyball, but that is small part of the puzzle, if we could win a medal at the WCH none of this would happen. Let's focus on the Olympics now, I wish all teams to play to win and Poland to get at least a medal // and two have three European teams on podium//
Poland in World League 2012 Final Six (documentary) 11 лет тому назад 0
Thank you for showing the protests :)
Valentin Bratoev 4 aces in the row 11 лет тому назад 0
Is this the only reaction? Not a word for Bratoev? Where are the dedicated volleyball fans in this site or is everything "masks" here? Do you have anything to show beside the mask?
Is he brother of Dante Amaral?
Bulgarian fans in World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад 0
Big countries like Brazil, Poland, Russia have little mercy for Bulgaria. When Brazil cheated, we were out of top 4 in WCH, when Poland cheated we were out of top 4 in ECH. After the first failure the federation fired Prandi who had no fault. After the second failure the federation fired Stoychev who also had no fault. The big scandal began and now we don't have a team. Brazil and Poland are big countries, richer, wiith money for volleyballl, with many clubs and players. Bulgaria has no money and not enough players. Brazil could afford not to cheat wiith milions of titles and bright future, Poland didn't need the medal that much, they were going to World Cup. You are destroying Bulgarian volleyball with Rezende and Anastazi and wiith the federations, we don't have resources like you. Two deserved medals would have brought changes and investments, now their absence brings anihilation. Every time you cheat, you harm volleyball's reputation in global scale and you hit Bulgaria hard. Have you no mercy?
Bulgarian fans in World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад 0
The wild card was known in the spring to be for Poland, it was bought by the federation. About Slovakia, even Gruszka admitted they played for loss / except Jarosz, which is the reason to like him that much/. Poland improved so fast because the team had great push with money and cheating, but they did improve. The medal in World Cup was deserved, the title in the World League is deserved. I am pointing that you can['t judge, since you have no moral ground for that. Especially Bartman who played bad vs Bulgaria and got nervous.
Bulgarian fans in World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад +1
I would say that the empty hall most of the time is far more serious reason not to repeat tournaments in Bulgaria than this ugly scene. Bulgaria lacks dedicated volleyball fans, they are fans of the National volleyball team. About judging, Polish fans has no right to judge since their team played to lose vs Slovakia, sent us to Russia, bought wild card for the World Cup and got huge help home from Argentina for the World League, the judges even supported us vs Italy so Poland may pass. Not to talk about the CL hosting every other year which gives Skra undeserved medals.
World League 2012 Highlights 11 лет тому назад +3
Great video and interesting music. This World League will be remembered with Poland, breaking the Brazilian curse and writing history. Unfortunately, in my country all lessons will be forgotten once again as we stay in the mud, watching the stars and never having the gut to fly towards them
POLAND WINS WL 2012 11 лет тому назад 0
Todor Aleksiev is the best scorer and receiver based on stats and these stats don't lie, not like Bratoev case. About these players I think both are in the star category

P.S. First three opinions are very arrogant, calm down, kids.

Wilfredo, the heading has nothing to do with the question, this is trolling
Bulgarian fans in World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад -2
Emotional reactions by teenagers, why am I not surprised. I got tons of hateful comments in youtube like"Fuck Bulgaria", "you wild Bulgarian gypsies" and so on, mostly by girls, which surprised me. I can't even get angry because of this bullshits of young dumb people, since we played amateur volleyball and I am too busy being angry on the federation. All I want to say is that before this call there were several real wrong calls, like held ball by Zagumny and other obvious problems. The referee level was low, but it didn't decide the match. Dancho Lazarov decided it long time ago. About Bartman and the shepherds, Poland is catholic country and for all catholics here is my answer: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters; He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Proud to be shepherd, Raylight
Brazil - Poland (World League 2012 Final Six) 11 лет тому назад -1
We will be at least 4th this World League and I too think of quitting volleyball after the match yesterday
Brazil - Poland (World League 2012 Final Six) 11 лет тому назад +1
RenanZ, please support us too :) We need it because of the problems cause by the federation

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