"Youth" and "Junior" tournaments

4 лет тому назад

Hmm ... Creating new tournaments might be the better way of handling this change, because we can't have "Youth" and "Junior" tournaments that change age restrictions over time--which is what I wish we could do because it would preserve the continuity of "youth" & "junior" tournaments. But they are what they are, and it seems cev (and FIVB?) has dropped the "youth" and "junior" monikers. 

sitenoiseUS 334
4 лет тому назад

In Asia, in 2014 there was the "10th" youth champ (U17), and then in 2017 the "11th" youth champ (U18). That's what I mean about preserving the continuity of "youth" & "junior" tournaments with changing age restrictions 

sitenoiseUS 334
4 лет тому назад

CEV has 2017's "U18"-W and 2013's "Youth" as part of the "Competition History" of the U17-W 2020. So it's weird and complex, but that's what makes sense to me. The 'tournament' has changed age restrictions, but we can't accurately reflect that here.