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Champions League 2011/2012 12 yıl önce 0
Masz rację, że kibice mają relatywne podejście do wszystkiego, co jest związane ze Skrą. Niektórzy czasami naprawdę przeginają i piszą takie absurdy, że nawet nie warto ich komentować. Ale w tej sytuacji chodzi o coś innego. Kto się zarzekał, że jego drużynę stać na sportowy awans do ff i chcą to w końcu udowodnić? Zawodnicy też o tym często mówili. To teraz taka decyzja jest tego zaprzeczeniem. A ta wymówka, że "głupio było odmówić" jest przynajmniej niepoważna, i co gorsza utwierdza CEV w ich traktowaniu klubów, bo gdyby nikt się zgodził może dało by im to coś do myślenia.

Sorry for OT
Champions League 2011/2012 12 yıl önce 0
Yeah, it's quite ridiculous. But you know how is now vice president in CEV, so...
Champions League 2011/2012 12 yıl önce 0
How Piechocki could agreed for that? He should refused too and maybe that forced people in CEV to think over their politics. "Fans deserved for it" - yes and that was no so long time ago. Some fans would be happier if they could see Skra in fight with tough opponents and wait for it.
Why Italian teams play with each other? It's absurd like all CEV organization.
Amici italiani, could you give some link with timetable of matches transmissions?
Great news! Thanks for possibility of watching live Super League:) Berny, I hadn't seen earlier your message, so now I thank for it.
Please, more video with Russian club volleyball! And thanks for it.
You translated it well, but there is also translation under this comment ?
I saw this rally and also hope it'll appear on the site soon.
Ok, thanks for good news.
So maybe I change this sad subject my question to Bulgarian users:) Salparov’ll end his carrier in CSKA or he wants to play in foreigner club again? Do you know something about his plans?
0:30-0:51 LOL I can't stop laughing:D A Little explanation for our amica italiana, who is interested:) Kubiak and Igła started singing one of Skra fans song. They both a little bit laughing for it:)
A mnie denerwuje obgadywanie kogoś za jego plecami, zamiast powiedzenie bezpośrednio, co się myśli.
Positive video, but some unexpected end. I'm so happy that we have this volleyball freak in JW
kristoff, a co miał powiedzieć pol. dziennikarzowi, że nie chce przechodzić do słabszej ligi? To miły gość, więc udzielił dyplomatycznegej odpowiedzi:)
So congrats, great to hear that they become appreciate. BTW ice hockey is fantastic sport. I wish we had in Poland so good team like yours, you should be happy about it;-)
pesazi, this all post was irony, maybe expect that I don’t see genius of Bruno and last part:) I really don’t like Zygadlo’s style of playing and think even if we assume that he has some potential, he wasted it in Trento. And this sentence about Stoychev – it wasn’t me who first started joking;-)
Henrique, I can understand that you think Zagumny is "just an ordinary setter" (I think the same about Bruno). But how can you say this unpleasant words about Zygadlo? First of all, he has played in the best league and in the best club at the whole world for many seasons. Secondly, this year was his first as main setter in NT and look at the results (I know that we had some lucky at WL and ECH, but second place at WC is undeniable success). Moreover Stoychev chose him. So maybe a little more respect to him? And one more thing, your comments’re always too long. Please shortens them or marks when you write only about volleyball and where’re parts with this all rubbish.
And I think that people in FIVB are most interesting politics than volleyball. They create complicated rules of tournaments, which change every time according to someone's business. Look at last ECH or WCH and perspective of people who “aren't in” volleyball. They see that losing match in some situations is more payable than win! Moreover FIVB should do everything to develop this sport, but they aren’t. How they treat players, who are the most important or should be? They even can’t communicate with CEV and others federations. And I don’t say what I think about theirs marketing.
I'm sport's journalist and I try promote every discipline, which isn't football, especially volleyball? But I also have write about this primitive sport? or, the worst, make relation from some tournaments or matches. I can watch the most interesting moments of match in sport news and that’s all. For me so far football’ve been the most boring sport, but now I’m writing article about American football and I changed my mind?
Osmany Juantorena sky-ball 12 yıl önce 0
Now is only excuse after fact for me.
FIVB Heroes: Bartosz Kurek 12 yıl önce 0
The best in this movie is quality. And most of his fans're teenage girls I noticed:p

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