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Ciudad Habana, Cuba
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Cuba kill Korea Again 3x0 16 points for the litle Bell, Leon was also great and well only to say come on Boy we can do this. The next week to try to keep the distance of 4 points behind Italy and for the last week the battle whit Italy will be epic. I hope that
if cuba beat and get the 6 points the next week the FIrst Place will be decide in Italy and is very possible to this happens. Because one France beat at least one time Italy and Cuba its a team more confindent right now. so well even Italy are right now in the 1st place this Place is not secure at least to the next week.
if they lose tomorrow again only a miracle can saved you team to be in the final round . Because like i say rusia its prepare this year for implant his world domination at least in this WL
I as always like to say Simon is the Best and the others thing are crap XD still hapyy people bulgaria lose or win its the same thing. they need to grow up and get the level again of the last generantion when played Grets Players Like Ivanov or Konstantinov its a shame they never get a medal in this competetion. ? teams like France , Italy Poland and Bulgaria are almost full of youngers and well cuba its a exepction because they always its a sub-20 or 22 years old team however Simon its the best and that is was i count. XD
Or cuba cries for simon ? well a litle bit XD but our group its more easier now if the intercontinental round finish today cuba pass to the final round but the team have to focus more in the next day specially more vs france than Italy because France can give us the qualification or Italy but i Prefer fRANCE for qualification and italy for try to disccuss the first place of the pool XD so my team play whit yougers almost every year and everybody knows that and now the bulgarians lose almost of the game because their injury come on. Russia its very strong right now and i think they can win this competition this year more than ever. In this moment Bulgaria dont have team to beat them .
and cuba win 3-0 XD italy will got you¡¡ XD in this moment the worse second place in the entire league is Bulgaria , they have to win for have chances and still playing for reach to the Final Round beacause i dont think they have team to beat Russia and be carefoul wiht Germany(look the firs week). well my team do his job win thats all now second in the group only 4 points behind italy.
Omg its very funny to see the usa team against Poland in his our country and the most part of supporters are poles XD in usa nobodys likes volleyball and the poles like always take the entire stadium or hall in this case
well i dont know mucht about travica but in terms of serve and offensive after hierrezuelo he is very agressive speccial with his poweful serve, Hierrezuelo and him are almost identical but not in terms of set i think in this they have own style, Travica its for me the future of Italy and well in the reality i dont like much Vermiglio he is very provocative ( Brazil vs Italy WC) and well he dont hit th ball like Travica. i think travica could be a good setter in the futures and for that he needs more oportunities in the NT and in his club. just that but in the end he have one special quality, he has lucky for the service. and good for him
i only say that for see the answer of the "expert" of this page, and i dont need clean the shoes of Escadinha for know his class and history, but everybody knows that he needs to be replace the future of brazil can see in this last game. whit sergio and murilo they lose, vissoto are young but he dont have the same effective games of in times have Andre Nascimento diferent ages diferent history. we will see the conclusion and zyta stop instulting the people for look wrong wathever they say i only wants this.
its done Usa make history one more time again brazil,and well its seems that the future of brazil of thw world domination is close to end, if brazil whit this players los wiht a great usa whitout ball and this young boy anderson its done. brazil needs fresshman, they only use guys like giba 35 or murilo 30 for they he his the best player in the world... you are kiddin right -.- ? and whit grandpha Sergio i dont think brazil win the olympics in only 4 set usa show again the great team they are. well know usa whit 11 points i hope poland beat usa at least one time and helps cuba, well cuba its not the only whit problems Bulgaria and Serbia to this last whit one pont more. come guys reach the finals i still waiting ?
hI GUYS and cuba is rising again if today ivan zaystev make 25 points againts korea Leon make 29 against Francia XD and well i have to ask all the people write to simon and send his congratulations for his birtday come on guys show support for one of the best in his birthday https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100001193886940 he is his facebook page good luck for all and god luck for cuba
well you have you point of view and i have mine besides you should know more about you team and well thanks for reminds Simon is the best even when he dont play more in the NT XD
you can say todorov is better than apalikov but the numbers show us a diferent history maybe apalikov never blockes todorov and todorov block twice apalikov for example, but apalikov block almost all the team and helps more in the block that todorov i think the problem was the defense of bulgaria and of course the reception,kasysky is not a receiver he could be the best player of Europe but he dont receive nothing good and aleksiev its almost the same thing besides MiKhaylov play more better than both so i hope at least bulgaria win the second game or at least try but at this time i dont believe in his victory rusia in this moment is the only can try beat brazil whit all the guns .
before start the world league all the people know the problems of bulgaria 4 players in the final of scudeetto 2 of them essencialls for the team include the DT after comes the new of salparov injury sorry but the actual libero of bulgaria doesnt compare whit the great guy named salparov , Second the problems of shape and the good shape of the russians they end his league 2 weeks before the finals in italy BTW russia have a team more complete than the bulgarians, anyways bulgaria have a objective qualified for the final round and they need still focus for that . because team like cuba and usa cant be more 2nd place than bulgaria but i think bulgaria will pass this task his best MB its so young nothing compare wiht apalikov and i dont uderstand why muserski dont play this matches, i know apalikov is member of zenit but musersky is a starter member of the Rusia NT he deserve play and not because Alekno his the coach of apalikov in zenit he can play all the matches for me whit all Muserkky is one million times better than Apalikov is all i have to say about this match
Love and Peace.
Cubaaaaaaaaaaaaa still believe in the Finals 3-1 Take that France and We see the Resurection of WIlfredo Leon 28 points just amazing i record the game and i will upload in inside volley love and peace everybody and go Italy 3-0 for korea.
i read to that giba dont will play vs usa and Jao paulo Tavares has come to the team of brasil for the game .
the cuba media make a point for this week. they said as i know that this will be the definining week for cuba if they lose is over, even when italia wins over korea usa its seems dificoult to for brasil even wihout ball the americans wants to win at least one game and this could be hard but not impossible
ok i wait all, i will upload all my record of this week starting tomorrow
you are right kk15 simon is the best who have been cuba in many time since Ihosvany Hernandez the ex-captain of cuba and at the time was considered the best player for cuba of all times in his position, but well cuba will be considered now the option cuba=professional leagues. they have to do it its the only option to come back to the best team in the world. i dont worried about usa or bulgaria, bulgaria the next week will lose one of the games with russia and usa will lose the two( i hope so they dont have ball for fight whit brazil) and cuba have to win the 2 games and reach 10 points
so usa get in 9 and bulgaria in 9 or 12 whateever usa its the most without possibilties againts brasil and cuba its have to win all the matches they left for have any chances for reach the imposible final eight.

Btw Kk15 i should count whit you tv game of this last match???
lett me see our possibilities, now italy will travel to korea cuba have to win all the matches and get at least more than 12 points a trylly odissea, the italians have to win twice againts korea and france a again, but my almost dangerous is in the pool A with USA they will win vs Brasil believe in that well its all if cuba lose other game well its all for him, its a shame will be this year the number 1 or 2 or 3 and again this.

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