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4 yıl önce


Nightfox - it seems to me that this is nonsense. Resovia has Grozer. In my opinion, Grozer is better than Yordanow so Boyan in Resovia only reserve.. He can hit the Polish but for Zaksa Kedzierzyn-Kozle. They need high-level attacker. Zaksa game this year in the league champions and it can convince Yordanov. Here is written about Yordanow. Here is the bad news about Ljubo Travica. He was released from Resovia.

The transfer Horstink Poles say a few years. But now it is quite possible. Horstink contract ends. Skra Belchatow reportedly wants to buy Horstink.
Zyta - I know that in Brazil, volleyball is popular as in Poland. But that number is impressive. In Poland, does not even have a hall for 16,000 people. I am curious at what price the tickets for the final match. Anyone know? A Brazilian league is great. The Brazilian league game many great players who are not in the NT. Few of them are missing the best league in the world.
I read that this match was 16 thousand people. If this is true, I'm impressed. Sesi was a favorite from the beginning of the league. They did not disappoint.
Bulgaria showed Poles how to play volleyball. It is a pity that Bulgaria has not won a medal. In addition to Polish, I like most is Bulgaria. Poland played in this match awful on defense. This is evident even in this video.
Jeśli masz tylko dźwięk to całkiem możliwe że musisz ściągnąć najnowsze kodeki. Spróbuj. Powinno działać.
Volleyball mistakes 13 yıl önce +4
deathvader where is your brain?
Veres this season is the best player Dynamo. A little weird. Competitors Dynamo won the fifth game and they enjoyed little to advance to the finals: P
Kaziyski is indestructible?)
I must admit that this is a very bad movie:)
Serie A - 2nd Quarterfinals 13 yıl önce 0
Michal Lasko?
Kedzierzyn-Kozle in the final! Resovia played very poorly. In each element Zaksa better. Coach Resovia - Ljubo Travica. With this gentleman can not win anything. I am sure that he was saying goodbye to the job. I only hope that the finals will be emotions.
No. On this page, you do not view the match. You write to me on priv, I'll try to help you.
Serie A - 1st Quarterfinals 13 yıl önce 0
Mastro played on reception ? I do not believe it: D Cuneo does not have to reserve the receiver? Parodi is injured, and others?

I watched the match Trento - San Giustino.
Trentino controlled the match. Very good input Sokolov. It is a pity that he did not play in the basic composition. He'll be wasted on the reserve.
Woicki jest dobrym rozgrywającym ale dostaje mało szans na grę. W ostatnich meczach bardzo dobrze grał, niekonwencjonalnie tak jak za czasów jego gry w Częstochowie.
Co do dwóch pozostałych nazwisk zgadzam się. Kłos pewnie za dużo nie pogra. Mam nadzieję że tak samo będzie z Bąkiewiczem.
I recently have I seen such a good Highlights. There are a lot of similar films but this film is great music. Sundfjord - welcome to the site:)
This is not my video. I found a video on youtube.
The masters of pipe 13 yıl önce +4
Dante is the best :)
Servers - Osmany -> Matey
Attack - Matey -> Osmany
Receiver - Osmany -> Matey
Block - equally

Osmany deserves the MVP. Matey gave the opponent a lot of points from the servers.
Luigi Mastrangelo 13 yıl önce +1
a myślisz że obcokrajowcy wiedzą co napisał jannkes ?? Poza tym każdy minusuję kiedy ma na to ochotę więc nie wiem po co się do nas zwracasz z prośbą o nie robienie tego.
RevanExtasis - we do not believe Wlazły and Zagumny best in the world (well, maybe some people think so). But I never agree with the opinions that, for example Wlazły, Zagumny Italian league will only be a reserve. There are a lot of average players in the Italian league, worse than, for example Wlazly, Zagumny. For Henrique all Polish players to play only on the reserve list. Many times I agree with Henrique. Only in this context, it will never agree with him.

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