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4 yıl önce


@NightFox Yeah... we can only blame the referee for the mistake in crucial moment. It wasn't the main reason that we lose the match, but it hurts.
Może i w LM, ale nie weryfikuje się dotknięcia bloku... Średni ten system, skoro nie można weryfikować wszystkiego. Przy takiej technice większość sytuacji da się ewidentnie zweryfikować. Jeśli nie to można dać decyzję: bez punktu. Niestety to się szybko nie zmieni- pewnie dalej będziemy skazani na zawodny wzrok sędziów.
Unfortunately we were worse than Zenit in deciding moments... and that referee mistake.....
@raylight Yeah, it looks almost the same...
0:29 Look at Bierezhko little finger... All other mistakes was for Skra, but unfortunately that deciding was for Zenit. I am dissapointed of the replays system.
Zmarnowana wielka szansa... ale trzeba powiedzieć, że to był dobry mecz.
Ale był to też mecz "na styku". Niewielkie błędy decydowały.

Powtórki nie zdały egzaminu. Cóż z powtórek skoro i tak sędziowie "gwizdali" dla nas, ale decydującą piłkę "gwizdnęli" dla Zenitu. Początkowo wydawało mi się, że rzeczywiście było bez bloku, ale później ewidentnie widać lekko uginający się palec Bierezki. No cóż... nie to było przyczyną porażki, ale niedosyt pozostaje.

Nagród indywidualnych nie będę komentował, bo rzadko są przyznawane obiektywnie.
Georg Grozer atomic serves 12 yıl önce 0
@kubuu7 I'll do it today edit. or I will consultate it with zver, because I've got some problems with sound
Oh pearl... I don't compare them... I've said it just for fun
We can notice Andrea Gardini the assistant of Andrea Anastasi :) Nice to see Giba and Gustavo too. Andrea Satroretti, Andrea Giani... somebody can think that all Italians is named Andrea :P
There's enough lyrical movies about the players... I would rather like to see some amazing and interesting plays, funny moments, emotional rallys. IMHO

So why you say that? ?

Just for fun ?

I hope that there will be more interesting transfers like that.
@Michal Maybe I've complicated it too much but I ment that the block wasn't suggested by a setter movement (in Vladko Petković set), but as You said: they took an option to block the middle. Hoverwer the Marlon's set was very quick and the block was tricked by his movement and maybe by his previous sets.
Zaytsev is as Italian as Juantorena ? (Don't get me wrong I have nothing to it)

It'll be very interesting to see Juantorena in Zenit
It shows that Sebastian don't need a farewell. He is ready to work as a coach.
It shows that he is veeery devoted. I think that nobody would remid him as a loser but as a warior. Like a Spartans... He is a living legend.
I still belive that isn't true ? One of the best Polish players Sebastian Świderski ends his career. Very sad information for his fans.

He fought like a warrior with his injuries. He faught always... till the end. Never gave up until he couldn't continue to play.
Setter is responsible but just indirectly. It's like we will say that the birth is the main cause of death :) The players could also go to the middle just by intuition. But I think they're went there because of previous sets. Not by this set and the setter movement before it, which can suggest that he would play middle.
No they are not randomly deciding where to jump. I didn't say it. They just often suggested by the previous sets. For example if there was a lot of sets to the middles they decided to jump to the middle this time. I don't know why do You disrespect my opinion and depreciate me.
I thought that a player can decide which player or part of the net he blocks without beeing suggest by the setter movement... but, I do not deeply understand the volleyball nature, so don't listen to me :)
@Nightfox Why do You call me stupid? Don't You think that coach could say to the blockers before action: "jump to the middle". There are a lot of situations when blockers "go blind" to block some parts of the net or some players and the decision is made before the action. Don't You think it could be like that? And there was different situation in the Marlon set. He set very quickly and mess the blockers. For me only the second is a good example of messing the blockers by a great set.

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