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I would really like Matthew in Polish League but unfortunately it will probably be the same scenario like with Giba, who really wanted to play here but most clubs doesn't have enough funds for him and the top ones usually have contracted players.
Another awesome video ;)
0:53 Perfect :) Awesome player and movie
Perfect serves.
Phenomenal Ivan ?
@casamodena: As a Middle or Opposite?
16 thousand fans, unbelievable. And the match lived up to the expectations. Great defense of Poland and Brazil and good actions.
No właśnie trochę za długi przez to nudzi się, długo czeka się na akcje i nie ma takiej dynamiki tego filmiku. Przynajmniej w mojej ocenie. Odnośnie zawodnika, zbilansowany w każdym elemencie, ma bardzo dobre umiejętności defensywne: przyjęcie i obronę, do tego walczak i ma pewien potencjał w ataku i zagrywce. Ale musi jeszcze mocno popracować nad tym potencjałem, bo wydawało mi się że czasem miał za mało siły w atakach. Zobaczymy jak się rozwinie, teraz ma już większe doświadczenie po tym sezonie, musi doszlifować technikę i fizykę i sam jestem ciekaw co pokaże dalej.
@pearl: The situation is almost reversed this time, hopefully we will meet in WL Finals both at full strength ?
Altough I don't know if the new players will immediately enter the court at this weekend
Four players return to my team for this weekend: Kurek, Winiarski, Wlazly, Mozdzonek. Unfortunately I heard that Zaytsev, Travica and maybe some others are going on some vacation this time.
World League 2014 - Week 2 10 yıl önce 0
Quite bad results for Netherlands, anybody knows if Kooistra will play in NT this season? He had a very good season as an opposite in Radom so he could be a fine reinforcement for Netherlands. And what about Bontje?

I see that Dick Kooy continues his very good shape from club season ?
World League 2014 - Week 2 10 yıl önce 0
@Carlos: This is the only moment that some players can get a bit of vacation to heal minor injuries or rest their minds from volleyball. Coupled with a long and tiresome journey to Brazil it was better to give players like Zagumny, Winiarski, Kurek, Wlazły, Nowakowski some free time. But some will be back on the matches with Italy.
Na filmiku wygląda całkiem dobrze. Oby się dobrze rozwijał bo pokazał tutaj parę fajnych zagrań. Jaką posiada zagrywkę?
Great movie :) I love the technique of Aleks, good combination of directional attack and over the block one. He is developing really fast.
@MrMxyzptlk: There are better ones than Jarosz and Kosok. And about Bartman, he has a hard character, that's the biggest reason coupled with a bad season.
@Misteryo: Any reliable source or just rumours? I can't believe that Atanasijevic would come back to our league after such a wonderful season, and he would seem as the best replacement for Zaytsev if Ivan really leaves Macerata.
@Wilfredo_is_Marshall: Some of them definitely. But many of them play in Asian leagues which houses mostly short players, so it's just easy to score points for tall and physically strong players there.
Fei is listed with 37 points but this video (open to interpretation) shows he scored 40 points

To brunettes I would add:

Monica De Gennaro http://rosalbaangiuli.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/de1.jpg?w=456

Laura Saccomani http://www.danilobilli.it/s/agosto11/laura.jpg http://www.pu24.it/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Laura-Saccomani-1.jpg http://www.danilobilli.it/s/febbraio11/laura1.jpg

Hilarious :) Good laugh

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