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Bratoev has asked Vibo's management to release him from his contract since they're obviously not gonna use him ? I hope he finds a team where he can play more regularly ?
"макар да е тежка царската корона"...прав си ?
NO WAY!!!!I've been listening to that song all day!!!Dude,you're a medium LOL Great video and cool kicks at 0:26 :D
@champion - But it might actually be good for him(God,I can't believe I'm saying this, after I nearly had a heart attack when I read the article) to get away from volleyball for a year.As a person,I'm sure he has more needs to fulfill than as a volleyball player,now that on club lever he has it all.Plus he can use a break - see what casamodena said about Sala - all the pressure,stress and matches like every other day is a lot to handle and Matey has been doing it for years now + being a pivotal part of our NT...And if he wants to play a little during that period he could go to a practice,I'm sure they're not gonna kick him out of PalaTrento ?
P.S.I'm kind of convincing myself it's a good thing with this post ? The truth is I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself for such a long time,not getting to watch him play in front of the "tifosi"...
@casamodena Oh,yeah,Brazil - I forgot it,too ? But they don't really need to buy foreigners - that's so unfair to the rest of the world ?
Whatever Matey and Osmany make,they've really earned it after,as you said 60+ matches a year,and I actually think they deserve more than the overrated football players...It's a pity volleyball is not a richer sport,since it's the most intelligent and academic among the team sports.
@oioi,thanks for the info.I knew he was injured,but I hadn't read that he'll need surgery.You're right it's too bad,he was doing well ?
@raylight,but see what casamodena is saying - there might be a player getting more than what Matey and Osmany make combined ? Sounds crazy,but I believe him.
And I don't see how Matey is gonna make it past 32 with so many matches per year.Milkovitch took breaks from his national team,played a few seasons in Qatar - if Matey does that he'll be crucified.Or may be he'll just finish his club career then and do a couple of more national seasons?
Shocker!So sorry to hear that,_k-is-for-kate_ ,I wish all the best to your NT at the WC ? Get better soon,Sergey!
@casamodena,thanks again ?
@casamodena That would be really cool - for Matey to finish his career there ?
So Mosna hasn't gotten calls from Kazan,but thinks that they've reached out to Osmany?And if he stays they'll double his salary - insane!That would make him the highest paid volleyball player in the world,right? ? And if that happens how are they gonna get the money for another good OH?Thanks for the inside info ?
kk15,thanks for the response ? I don't know what Matey is gonna do for sure,but there was a rumor in Bulgaria about him leaving Trento and spending one season in a club where his schedule would be easier on him and he could continue his studies,so the article kind of confirms that.I'm still a little on the fence and won't believe it completely until I hear it from him,but I'll respect whatever he chooses to do next ? (Doesn't mean I'll be happy not getting to watch him play for a whole season...)
About Osmany - I remember casamodena saying that Kazan previously offered money only to him and not the club,so he didn't exactly have a say,but may be now they're offering to the club,too?
Wow,I haven't watched that match!Thanks,raylight :)
@raylight,you're right,but that's Italy - where players are treated like human beings,so I think that Mosna would respect their decisions.The thing that makes me doubt the rumor is only Osmany's contract - as Kk15 said,it's 'till 2014 at least.
@raylight,I can actually see it being true,considering Matey's ambition to finish his education.
But are we sure about Osmany?Both guys have passed offers from Zenit before and have shown that they prefer to play for prestige in Italy than for money in Russia.Though,I won't judge Os if he chooses to go,I'm sure he knows what's best for him.So,I guess Trento will be a much different team next year - Rafael is leaving too,right?
@casamodena/pearl/kk15,did I understand the article correctly - Matey will return in Trento in 2013 for 4 years?
Very,very impressive !!!!!
Хаха,виждам,виждам :) Браво,страхотни клипове правиш :)
Awesome job,SkyloIoannes :) Mixing music now,too? DAMN :D
00:17:49 - The guy in the background waving our flag is Matey's father :D
Gustavo Endres 12 yıl önce 0
A much needed video on the site!Great job,Sebastian :)
NightFox,знам,че това качество е супер кофти,но наистина не намерих нищо друго.Много е странно,че финала не е качен и в нито един руски тракер.Освен,ако можеш да сваляш от лаола - и там не е кой знае колко по-добро,но...
Matey Kaziyski in ECH 2011 12 yıl önce +1
That would be awesome,Nightfox ?

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