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ahhah "Trentino was eliminated from Champions League. They want to win of Serie A in this season" for real ??? man i dont know anyone who dont wanna win the Serie A, i mean this is one of the objective of trento, year by year, they win 3 champions but only 1 serie A in the last three years. that is always a hard title to win for any team, trento will have the advantage over macerata this year, because they dont have to play the champions for the rest of the season and well, piacenza with simon is another strong candidate.
you say all thats right simon is the best, but here you can find have some guys that only say nosenses
hahaha with that team all is possible..... and wTF is Louis, your husband???
actually rbk17 you are wrong, i hear recently notice from cuba, in order to leave the actuals pro players to play in our NT like SImon, Leal, camejo, juantorena, jurquin etc they will promove a new law of expantion, this mean that players who stay in now in cuba like, diaz, leon, cepeda and many others will play like a pro soon, this is part of a project called "World Domination" which primal goal is win the next olympic games and at least 4 world leagues, one World cup and many others titles. i know all that because i know some of the players like simon"take that bitch(raylight) ?" and others.
Thank you Giba !!! vor 11 Jahre +1
well the video isnt good enought to show how great was giba i think we can mix all the videos of giba in this page and even that shouldn´t be enought for fill the great spor that giba take us with his departure, even when his old, some players like Kasisky Vladimir Grbic, Juantorena, Kurek and ....... sniff sniff SImon probably never reach the quality of this great legend.
damn she is so hot, whith those clothes ? hahaha nikes all day and all night well maybe only at day but she is lucky after mizuno i preffer my nikes to play volley and run in the mornings, but well i guess is a thing of preferences everybody use is own brands and i dont care its simple
Best WL in the pasth Olympic cycle, damn that was high level volleyball, was a shame that the pool distribution was a shit but anyways the best two teams in the world manage to reach the finals the big surpirse was argentina no doubt
a real volleyball machine, whithouth her, korea is only a ghost and a easy team that you can pass easily, look at the AVC they fail to qualify to the Grand Prix, is shame for Kim, she do the work alone and then his mates fail to qualify when she are resting in home damn. that is what i call the "Matey effect" ahhaha
Come on Osmoney.... sorry is Osmany hahaha come on you can do it and the next year please accept the money man this are crisis times so if you can earn good money for make 15 points per game do it, think whith the head and not whith the hearth, those things are only for pussys XD
Russia in The Olympics 2012 vor 11 Jahre +1
Russia the master of the miracles, man do that proves that the russian giant is finally awake, those miths that say "russia dont have mind" are gone and well was in the bernadinho face, i think he make a bad decisition bring giba to the game, the guy only go to the olympics for being a legend, but in a scale of 0 and 100 giba had in that moment a 20 or 30% for be honest.
my mama make me do it XD, for real now, maxim is a true work tallent, he plays very good, because he manage well his life inside and out of the courts, this is a real sportman and a great tallent, take not Kurek and the Others, who spend time showing his faces in camera for comercial and then in the true hour they fail in their journey
the sad history of egypt, they are only out of the WL since 2011 for politics problem, but well if they fail the qualification there is not are exception and is clear they dont deserve take place in the WL
This Year Fakel are one of the best team created in the Russian superleague, they have the mid term and right distribution of foreign players, will be awesome see some sets of Zygadlo to Michael "the russian" Sanchez hahahha, and well to the other guys ? which name i can remember
you cant wilfredo that guys have 16 and more you only have like 6 or 10 years, they are to much for you
this team will be for sure a strong candidate to the Argentina League and of course if they remaing together after that maybe they can make a strong competition in the Club world championship, but i dont think that Suxho or Giba or even Dennis will stay in that team more than a year for people like giba and SUxho they are almost in the end of his carrer so his future is short in my opinion
nah i was kidding the best guy is Karol Klos, i like his style hahah just look at the minute 1:40 poor forever alone, hahah he was beating so hard the drums and he gets nothing true player this Karol Klos, "forguett all those fools im here for making some money" XD hahaha
best player of course yosleider cala XD
i dont blame him after all this is a unfair world, but anyways he get more money that you too and this make me happy no matter what you say XD haterrr
gvnn87 the information of that papper is almost correct, is true that he will play maybe sometime in october, but the final part when he says those thing are tottaly fake, is true that piacenza have help him whith many things but he never say that believe me. those are argument created by the media.

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